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tinct, 286; stocks, Inca area, 231; stocks, geographical grouping of, 285; stocks, groupingof, 291, 332; stocks, Mexico and Central America, 284, 285, 378-381; stocks, new grouping of, 283-285; stocks, New World distribution, 294; stocks, North Pacific Coast, morphology of, 291; stocks, number of, 286; stocks, South America, 237, 288, 289, 381-385; stocks, United States and Canada, 282, 369-378
Linked clans, 158
Literature, 137-145; Aztec, 229; myths regarded as, 197
Llama, domestication of, 35; as a pack animal, 39
Local groups, 153-154
Loom, Antilles, 56; complex, diffusion of, 58, 59; in South America, 56; weaving, 56

Mackenzie area, 338; culture characterized, 217-219
Magic Flight, distribution of story, 196
Maize, area of intense cultivation, 19, 56, 59; areas, 35; areas, lack of correspondence between historic cultures and archæology, 340; ceremonies, 183, 184; complex, taken over as a whole by English colonists, 346; complex, processes necessary to production, 350-351; culture, aboriginal characteristics of, 25-28; culture, close agreement with distribution of pottery, 69; culture, concepts associated with, 174; culture, Old World, adapted to cereal complex, 346; culture, uniformity of, 27; distribution of, 24, 69, 338; foods made from, 18-19; history paralleled by history of higher cultures, 23; local adaptation of, 27-28; Indian methods of cultivation used by white farmers, 2; most important aboriginal agricultural product, 23; origin of, 27; Pueblo method of raising, 25; unity of New World complex, 49
Maguey, southern extension of use, 46
Males, classification of, 162
Mammoth, contemporaneity with man not established for North America,
Mammoth Cave, 276
Manabi, archæology of, 265
Mandan-Hidatsa, pottery, 70
Manioc, area, 8, 56, 60, 69; Amazon area, 338; chief food, Amazon Basin, 22; distribution of, 24; preparation for use, 28
Manitou, 221; compared with huaca, 181
Man, dispersion from the Old World, 316-319
Mankind, classes recognized, 313; distribution over the earth, 314-316; general lines of dispersion for, 318; general relation of Indian to, 310-319; systems of classification of, 311-314
Maple sugar, manufacture of, 18
Marriage, ceremonies, 176; forms of, 176; mother-in-law taboo correlate of certain forms of, 161; regulations, 175-177; restrictions of, 155, 158, 163
Masked ritualistic ceremony, 182
Masks, Aztec and Inca, 185; North Pacific Coast, 184-185
Masonry, at Mitla, 261; New World, 100; Pueblo area, 224
Maté, 22
Material culture, Antilles, 242; Araucanians, 235; Arawak, 239-240; California area, 212; Chibcha area, 230-231; Déné, 219; Eastern Woodland area, 220; Eskimo area, 215; Fuegians, 235; guanaco area, 234; Lacandones, 228; Mackenzie area, 217; Plains area, 206-208; Plateau area, 209-210; Southeastern area, 223; southwestern Déné, 218; Tupi, 240; typical Eastern Woodland tribes, 221-222; typical Eskimo, 216; Witto and Boro, 237-239
Mats, North Pacific Coast area, 213; for tipi covering, 110