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Indian, American, popular interest in, 1-2
Individual guardians, 185-186, 192
Individuality, cultural, coincident with political unity, 342
Infants, exposing of, 177
Inheritance, conception of, 173-175; physical traits, perpetuated by, 353; rules of, 175
Inscriptions, dated, of the Maya, 270
Insects, as food, 17, 211
Insignia, feather, bison area, 61
Instability of residence, correlated with use of wild foods, 15
Instruments, musical, 146-147
Interglacial period, marks arrival of man in the New World, 317
Interpretations, of culture, 352-254
Invention, independent, age-graded societies, 163, 350; independent, blowgun, 132; independent, pellet-shooting bow, 133; independent, roller printing, 265; independent, theory of, 343; independent, use of zero, 130
Inventions, Old World, Chinese priority in, 362, 363; special, 127-133
Iron, absence of, in New World culture, 358; age, 275
Iroquoian, area, archæological characterization of, 250-252; stock, 285, 291; stock, linguistic and tribal grouping, 372; tribes, 222
Iroquois, 18, 23, 35, 48, 71, 108, 113, 127, 132, 152, 158, 159, 163, 170, 176, 220, 241, 247, 274, 331; league of the, 151; migrations of, 335
Irrigation, Chibcha area, 230; Inca area, 232; limits of, 28; Southwest area, 226; systems, Peru and Mexico, 106

Jaguar, belief in power of, 200
Jesako cult, Central Algonkin, 189
Joking-relationship, 162
Judicial systems, 166-173; Araucanian, 167; Déné, 168; Hudson Bay Eskimo, 168; Maya, 167; Mexico and Peru, 171; Nahua, 166-167; Peru, 166

Kayak, Eskimo, 43
Kia, 39
Kiva, 178, 257-258
Knives, 118; copper, 121; Eskimo type of, 254; types of, 120

Labor, sexual division of, 19, 22
La Brea, skeleton found in asphalt bed, 325
Lacandone, 69, 90, 228
Ladder of arrows, distribution of story, 196
Land, assigned to family groups, 149; laws, Inca and Nahua, 174
Language, classification of, 282; correlation with culture, 331-333; distribution may be independent of culture, 332; groups in California, 332; independence of New World, 361; stability of, among immigrant groups, 340
Languages, California, 287, 290, 291, 292, 334; classified according to internal structure of the word, 290; differentiation of, after cultural pattern, 334; geographical types, 285; grouping, coincident with cultural characters, 332-333; intergradation of, 280-281; manner of recording by field-workers, 286; similarity within a culture area, 333
Lansing Man, 323
Lasso, 38
Leiotrichi, found in Asian-American group, 312
Linguistic classification, 280-297, 332
Linguistics, correlation with culture, 331-333; general relations with culture and somatology, 334; investigations in, 283
Linguistic, diversity in regions of higher culture, 295; investigation, chief result, 294; stock, conception, and meaning, 283; stocks, Amazon area, 235-237; stocks, California, comparative morphology, 290; stocks, California morphological groups, 292; stocks, California, proposed consolidation of, 293; stocks, distribution of, 294-297; stocks, ex-