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Realistic, art, New World, 98; art, produced by men, 94; art, rarity of, 76; carving, 88; carving, in architectural decoration, 92; designs, bison area, 82; designs, caribou and eastern maize area, 84; designs, North Pacific Coast, 89; designs, Peruvian textiles, 92; designs, pottery, 82; origin of art, theory, 95
Reciprocal terms of relationship, 160-161
"Red-paint," burials, 248; culture, 251
Regulation, social, in North America, 167-173
Reindeer, culture, associated with tipi, 110; used in transportation, 37
Relationship, systems, 159-161, 352; terms, 152-153, 154
Religion, Chibcha, Maya, and Nahua, 181; Maya, Nahua, and Inca, 131; New World, source of, 191; and ritualism, 192
Religious, conceptions, and mythology, 198-202; culture, Pueblo Indians, 183; culture, Siberia, 190; system, Aztec, 229; system, in Peru, 180-181
Revenge, personal freedom to, 168, 170
Rhea, economic importance of, 12
Rhythm, in aboriginal music, 146
Rice, wild, as food, 18
Rio Grande Pueblos, 224
Ritualism, 180-185; Aztec, 229; Eastern Woodland area, 221; high development of, coincident with distinction between priest and shaman, 188; importance of music in study of, 147-148; maximum development among Maya, 190; personal relation in, 191-193; Pueblo area, 225; Southeastern area, 223; Southwestern area, 226
Ritualistic, observances, 180-192; performance, California, 184; plays, North Pacific Coast, 184; procedures, Pueblo, 183; system, North Pacific Coast area, 214
Rituals, agricultural, 182; distinct forms of, 344; dramatic and poetical merit of, 198; grass dance, 348; Pacific Coast, 184; Plains area, 345; transfer of, 345
Road-building, Mexico and Peru, 106
Rock-shelter, North Atlantic area, 247, 248; section of a, 248
Rolling rock, distribution of story, 196
Roofs, Nahua and Peruvian buildings,
Rooms, size, influenced by absence of arch, 100; size, Nahua buildings, 104
Roots, as food, 14, 218
Rope-tying trick, distribution of, 188
Row-lock, used by Eskimo, 43
Rulers, Aztec, 272; Inca, 271
Ruins, ancient Maya cities, 261, 262; historical relation of, 101-102; most impressive in the New World, 227; Pueblo area, groups of, 256

Sacrifices, animals and inanimate objects, 181; to gods of the Peruvians, 181; great number of Aztec, 229; human, 190-191; human, Maya and Nahua, 181; human, Pawnee and Pueblo, 183; Inca area, 232
Sacsahuaman, 113
Sagebrush bark fiber, distribution and use, 45; weaving, 58, 59, 338
Sandal, a correlative of textile clothing, 64
Sails, use of, 43
Salmon, area, 7, 14-16, 35, 38, 49, 56, 63, 184; caught in acorn area, 17; methods of catching, 14
Salt, manufactured and traded, Colombia, 21
Santa Rosa Xlabpak, restoration and groundplan, 103
Scales, in aboriginal music, 146
Schools, for children, 178
Sculpture, center of New World, 134; distribution of, 138; Maya, 118, 134-136, 360
Seats, stone, 121
Seeds, wild, area of, 16-17
Shaman, distinguished from medicineman, 187-190; distinguished from priest, 201; relation to judicial system, 171-172