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Poncho, 63; skin, bison area, 64
Populations, culture centers, stability of, 340; movements of, 334-335; native, density of, 4; regions of lower culture, 295; shifts in, 331; total of Indians, United States and Canada, 369
Popul Vuh manuscript, 273
Portrait jars, 75
Potlatch ceremony, North Pacific Coast, 175, 214; Plateau area, 210
Pottery, Algonkin, 79; Central American, 73; Chile, 266, 267; Chiriqui, 75; close agreement with diffusion of maize, 69; Colombia, 264; complex, total of processes of making, 351; decorations on, 76, 77, 81, 97; diffusion of, 67, 69; distribution of, 67-69, 92; Eastern Woodland area, 221; Ecuador, 265; Eskimo, 216; forms, 73; intense culture area, 91; intensive pursuit of the art in the South, 69; Inca, 232; Iroquoian, 250-251; Iroquoian, South Atlantic area, 247; lower Mississippi, 70, 75; means of establishing chronologies, 273, 274, 278-279; Mississippi-Ohio area, 252; Mexican, 72; mortuary, 250; North Atlantic and Upper Mississippi types, 71; not dependent on environmental surroundings, 338; painted, in Brazil, 92; Patagonia, 268; Peruvian, 74, 92; processes of manufacture, 69; Pueblo area, 224, 225, 257; South Atlantic type, 70, 248, 249, 250; Southeastern area, 89, 223; Southwestern United States 72, 338: state of Oaxaca, 261; tripod from Panama, 263
Power, supernatural, Dakota and Menomini concept for origin of, 344; shamanistic, source of, 188, 191
Prayer, Navajo, 142-143
Presents, conventional exchange of at marriage, 176
Priest, Amazon area, 188; compared to shaman, 191, 201; priesthood, 190; priesthood, organized, Aztec area, 229; priestly organizations, among the Hopi, 183
Primates, lines of dispersion for, 315; phylogenetic relations of living and extinct groups, 315
Privileges, social, 161-162
Property, conceptions of, 173-175
Puberty ceremonies, 182; California area, 212; Plateau area, 210
Pueblo area, 35, 41, 52, 60, 61, 69, 81, 97, 104, 108, 109, 112, 113, 119, 124, 127, 131, 132, 150, 157, 158, 170, 176, 178, 184, 186, 189, 190, 200, 229, 266, 274, 275; area, archæological classification of, 256-258; culture, extension into Mexico, 227; culture, resemblance of Casas Grandes to, 261; influence on culture of nomadic tribes of the Southwest, 226, 227
Pueblo, Calchaqui structures resemble, 106; form of modern, 104
Pueblo Bonito, reconstruction of, 107
Pulverizing, dried flesh and vegetables, salmon area, 15
Pumpdrill, distribution of, 127,128
Purification, for sacred offices, methods of, 200

Quarries, 123-124; stone at Mitla, 261; quartzite, Plains area, 255-256
Quinoa, 23
Quipu, 130
Quirigua, 135
Quito, archæology of, 265

Rabbit, as culture hero, 199
Rabbitskin blankets, Déné, 218; distribution of, 58-59; Northern Shoshonean tribes, 211; Plateau area, 210
Rabbitstick, Pueblo area, 225
Racial dispersion, 314-319
Rain ceremony, Sia, 225
Rattle, calabash, distribution, 147
Rawhide, painting, bison area, 82; work in, 208, 338
Raven, culture hero, North Pacific Coast, 199; legends, North Pacific Coast, 214
Realism, in designs, 79; textile art, 90