Page:The American Library Annual 1913.djvu/20

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Federal grand jury indicts on 5 counts, Buffalo. Ap 12

Cincinnati judge sets aside service made by government on agent of. Ap 20

Government appeals against dismissal of indictments, Cincinnati. Ap 24

Indictments against held sound, Buffalo. Ag 24

See also Express investigation.

Adamson bill. House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce reports bill cutting express rates. Ap 2

Addams, Jane. Asks Taft to investigate workers' distrust of law. Ja 5

Addleman, W., Philadelphia. Dies of broken neck after a year. Je 8

Adrian, Mich. See Fires.

Adrianople. See Turco-Balkan war.

Advertising. Men and Religion Movement begins advertising campaign, New York. Mr 10

French law puts heavy tax on country billboards, to take effect in 1915. Ag 23

Kent, England, forbids unsightly billboards. Reported. S 6

Summit, N. J., begins war on billboards. Reported. D 6

See also Associated Advertising Clubs of America; Nat. Assn. of Adv. Agencies; Sagamore sociological conference.

Aehrenthal, Count Alois Lexa von, Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs. b. 1854. d. F 17

Aerial tramway. See AccidentsCaspar, Wyo.

Aeronautics. See Aviation.

Africa. Atrocities committed by tribes in Portuguese Africa reported. Ja 11

Dr. Karl Kumm reports finding new races in. F 14

See also Botha, Gen. L.; Cape Town; Egypt; Morocco; Railroads; Turco-Italian war.

Agricultural appropriation bill. Passes House. Mr 12

Senate sends back to conference. My 31

Passes Senate at $16,651,496. Ag 7

House adopts. Ag 8

President signs. Ag 10

Agricultural credit system. Pres. Taft's plan to be considered with currency reforms. Decided. D 7

See also Governors' conference.

Ainsworth, Gen F: C. Suspended by Secretary Stimson. F 15

Retires under heavy fire. F 16

Summoned to appear before House committee, practically assuring investigation of War Dept. F 17

Sec'y of War sends complete record to House. Mr 13

Akron, O. See Fires.

Alaska. Secretary Fisher recommends leasing of Alaska coal lands. Ja 7

Alaska Non-Partizan Convention closes: asks for self-government, a federal-owned railroad and tax on canners. Ja 10

18 men indicted for violation of Sherman law in connection with control of wharf facilities. F 16

House passes bill providing for legislative assembly and woman suffrage. Ap 24

Instructs delegates for Taft. Mr 31

Senate passes civil govt. bill. Jl 24

Cunningham coal lands claims cancelled. Reported. S 14

See also Accidents; Avalanches; Banks and banking; Coal; Dogs; Earthquakes; Volcanoes.

Albert, King of Belgium. Begins prosecution against defamers. My 20

Albrokrinoff, Sub-Lieut. See Aviation—Accidents. Mr 23

Alcoholic drinks. 1912 record year in production in U. S. Reported. Ag 14

See also Absinthe; Prohibition; Temperance.

Alden, Dr. B. F. Operates on himself for appendicitis in San Francisco. F 18

Aldine Club, New York City, Roosevelt speaks at dinner of. Ja 9

Alexander lifeboat bill. Houses passes. Ag 10

Alexander wireless bill. Houses passes with amendments Senate bill requiring Great Lakes and ocean vessels carrying more than 50 to have wireless and two operators. Je 3

Senate objects to amendments and appoints conference. Je 4

Conference rept. adopted by House. Jl 17

Approved. Jl 23

Goes into effect, O 1

Alexander III. of Russia. Monument to, unveiled at Moscow. Je 12

Alexander, William. See Luxemburg, Duke of.

Alexandra, English dowager queen. Lunatic found in palace of. Je 10

Alexandra day. Celebrated in London by flower sale for charity. Je 26

Alexis, Czarevitch. See Russia.

Alfonso XIII. of Spain. Has editor sent to prison for 8 years for pictorial "libel." Ap 5

Alger, Prof. Philip R., Annapolis, b. 1859. d. F23

Alig, E. See Aviation—Accidents. O 6

Alimony. Appellate Div. rules that poor man must pay, even if former wife is wealthy. Je 22

Allchin, Sir W: H:, London physician, b. 1846. d. F 8

Allen, D. L. See Aviation—Accidents. Ap 18

Allen, Ja. Graham. See Swindling.

Allen outlaws. Kill judge, county prosecutor and sheriff in Caroll Co. court house, Virginia. Mr 14

Floyd Allen, his son, and Byrd Marion put in Roanoke jail. Mr 17

Sidna Edwards, nephew of Sidna Allen, arrested at Lambsburg, Va. Mr 22

Eight indicted by Hillsville court, four of whom are in custody. Mr 27

Claude Allen surrenders to posse. Mr 28

Friel Allen, 17, surrenders. Mr 29

Gov. of Va. warns citizens not to aid. Ap 3