Page:The American Library Annual 1913.djvu/21

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Jordan Edwards refuses $1500 to tell whereabouts of. Ap 4

Reuben Edwards arrested, charged with aiding. Ap 6

Trial begins. Ap 30

Floyd Allen denies shooting first. Evidence in trial completed. My 11

Floyd Allen sentenced to death. My 17

Trial of Claude Allen begins. My 20

Claude Allen convicted of 2d degree murder for killing Judge Massie. Je 1

Wesley Edwards reported arrested in Ky. Je 13

Claude Allen convicted of first degree murder for killing W: M. Foster. JI27

Friel Allen pleads guilty; gets 18 years. Ag 14

Sidna Edwards pleads second-degree murder; gets 15 years. Ag 17

Floyd and Claude Allen sentenced to death. S 11

Victor Allen acquitted. S 13

Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards arrested, Des Moines. S 14

Sidna Allen's trial for killing Judge Massie begins. N 12

New trial refused Floyd and Claude Allen. N 18

Execution of Floyd and Claude postponed. N 19

Sidna Allen gets 15 years. N 22

Floyd and Claude S. Allen reprieved until Ja 17, Sidney Allen sentenced to 35 years, and Wesley Edwards 27. D 11

Allenhurst, N. J. See Fires.

Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence, Eng. artist, b. 1836. d. Je 24

Alsace-Lorraine. Philip Scheidermann, Socialist, attacks Emperor in Reichstag for recent threat against. My 17

Georg Ledebour, Social Democrat, also attacks Emperor. Imperial Chancellor replies. My 22

Alsberg, Dr. Carl L. Chosen to succeed Dr. Wiley as Chemistry Bu. head. D 16

Alsop, E: B. Deeds $3,000,000 in property to sons. Ap I

Altoga, Tex. See Banks.

Altrichter, Lieut. See Aviation—Accidents. N 6

Aluminum Co. of America. Pittsburg, Pa. Govt, files civil anti-trust suit against. My 16

Agreed decree entered against. Je 7

Ambergris. P. Walling, aviator, stumbles over $20,000 lump on beach, Staten I., N. Y. D22

Amer. Academy of Arts and Letters. Meets jointly with Nat. Inst, of Arts and Letters, N. Y. D 13

Amer. Antiquarian Society. Keeps centennial, Worcester, Mass. O 16

Amer. Assn. for Labor Legislation. Meets, Boston. D 27

Amer. Assn. for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality. Meets, Cleveland, O. O 4

Amer. Assn. for Study of Spondylotherapy. Meets, Chicago. N 12

See also Appendicitis.

Amer. Assn. of Clinical Research. Meets, N. Y. N 9

Amer. Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae. Meets, Ann Arbor, Mich. Reported. N 15

Amer. Aviators' Assn. Founded, Chicago, to promote safety. J 18

Amer. Bankers' Assn. Meets, Detroit. S 10

Amer. Bible Society. Announces distribution of 679,055 Bibles during 1911. Mr 13

Amer. Booksellers' Assn. Convention. Held in New York. My 13-16

Amer. Bridge Co. See Damages.

Amer. Economic Assn. Meets, Boston. D 27

Amer. Express Co. F: Bierman sues in Sup. ct. for $25,000 for false arrest. F 6

Indicted, Buffalo, on 10 counts by federal grand jury. Ap 12

Denies exceeding schedule. Ap 23

Indictments against held sound. Ag 24

Amer. Federation of Labor. L: D. Brandeis speaks at state convention, Fitchburg, Mass. S 19

Meets, Rochester, N. Y. N 11

Report calls McNamara trial an attempt of employers and newspapers to injure Federation; blames society for McNamara crime. N 12

Radicals lose fight to substitute industrial unionism for trade autonomy. N 20

Commends non-political policy. N 21

Asks unions for funds to defend alleged dynamiters at Indianapolis. N 22

W: D. Haywood, I. W. W. leader, fights J. M. Barnes, Socialist organizer. Gompers re-elected. N 23

See also Dynamiting conspiracy (Ironworkers.)

Amer. Hardware Manufacturers' Assn. and Nat. Hardware Assn. Hold joint convention, Atlantic City, N. J. O 24

Amer. Historical Assn. Meets, Boston. D 27

Amer. Ice Co. Reported to have resumed business in N. Y. state; deputy attorney general begins inquiry. Mr 6

Amer. Institute of Electrical Engineers. Meets, Boston. Je 25

Amer. Institute of Instruction. Meets, N. Conway, N. H. Jl 2-5

Amer. Inst, of Iron and Steel. Meets, Pittsburgh. O 25

Amer. Library Assn. Meets, Ottawa. Je28

Amer. Medical Assn. Meets, Atlantic City. Je 3

Committee declares chloroform, ether and cocaine unsafe. Je3

Dr. Alexis Carrel tells association he can keep human tissues alive nine hours after removal. Je 6

Amer. Museum of Natural History, New York. Catlin collection of Indian paintings and Bailey collection of meteorites presented to. F 5

Amer. Nat. Red Cross. Pres. Taft re-elected president, Washington. D 11