l62 jimerkan Revolution.
^24. And another captain whofe name was
Matthews^ took captive of the hod of Britain,
three fcore and ten perfons. Howbeit they
were loofened from their captivity, and the
^^nianner of their enlargement was on this wife;
25. Eor lo! a great mid arofe, and the fun was darkened, and the men appeared at a di fiance as trees walking ^ and Mattkezvs win: not to which company he was captain : and it came to pafs, that the army of Britain environed him round about, and all his com- pany, and the men he had taken captives.
26. Now there were many valiant ads done that day : neverthelefs the hod: of the people of the provinces fled before the fervants of the king of Britain,
27. And Ccrnwallis^ a lord, and a chief captain in the army of Britain, and feveral -ken with him, purfued after the people of the provinces, on fwift horfes.
28. Nov/ the flain and wounded of people ©f theproviacesj and thgfe who were takencap-