Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/169

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American Revolution, xQo

tives, were about fix hundred men: and there were Ilain, wounded and taken captive of the men of Britain, about five hundred perfons.

29. And there were two captains of the ar- my of Britain, Train; the name of the firft cap- tain was Agnsw^ and the name of the other was Bird.

30. And there was ah'b flain a captain of the people of the provinces, v/hofe fur-name was Nash^ and his armor-bearer* fell with him.


Operations against Fort Mifflin^ on Mud-Island — and Red-Bank — The former finally evacu* ated by the Americans,

X '^ OW there was a (Irong hold that was built on an ifland in the river \ it was occupied by the people of the provinces, and it was

  • Aiddecamp vViiherfpoon.