Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/61

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American Revolution,


9. And it came to pafs, that George, chief captain of all the armies of Col umblieL, being mindful of his brethren who were wa1"ring with the king's governor, and fearinglefl: the men who were with the captain, Montgomery^ were too few; he fent Benedid and a thoufand men with him to ilrengthen the hod.

10. And Be?2edici took his way through the wildernefs, and the thoufand men followed after him. Now the way was difficult to pafs, it was a land of pits and fnares, the foot of the way -faring man had not trod therein, neither were the flocks of the fons of men feen in the way : it was a covert for the beafts of prey, and far from the dwellings of man!

11. And three hundred and forty of the men returned back again, and the refidue followed after Benedlcl: and it came to pafs, that the bread failed in their veiTels, they were ^araifiieJ with hunger, and their tongues clave to the roof of their mouths; yet the %irit of a man was in them, and it fuilained