Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/62

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5 American Revolution,

them! they prelTed forwards until they came to the ii^abited parts of the province, and the natives miniftered to their neceflities.

12. And it came to pafs that the watch- man on the wall of the city,* looked, and behold he faw a multitude of armed men coming out of the wildernefs; and he cried aloud, and faid, Lo! I fee a company coming from the wIMernefs, and the banners of the great Sanhedrim are amongft them!

13. And Montgomery^ the chief captain, and Benedid^ befieged the town round about; and they cafl a bank againft it; and they planted the deftroying engines on the bank that they had cad up; and they efiayed to batter the town, but could not prevail, for it v/as built upon a rock.

14. And Montgomery^ the chief captain, being minded to take the town by force, fent a meflenger to the governor thereof, warning hini to deliver up the town v/ith the garrifon^

"■ OucbEc,