Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/72

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66 J^merlcan Revolution,

princes of the provinces, even the great San- hedrim of the people, fent fwift fliips to the land of Ethiopia, and they bought the black duft of the merchants of Ethiopia.

8. And George, chief captain of the armies of C lumbia, confulted with the principal men of the hofl, and fpake unto them, fay- ing, Shall we go up againfl the town, where the army of the king of Britain is encamped, or fhall we forbear?

9. Now, when they had confulted together, they fpake unto the chief captain, and anfwer- ed him after this manner; faying, We think it not expedient for the hofl of the people of the provinces to go againd: the town; never- thelefs, we think it advifable that the army occupy the high places* that look towards the river.

ic. And it came to pafs, that the chief cap- rain ordered the men who had the charge of tb<? deftroying engines, to fet them to work j

  • Pi)rQheIler heights.