Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/73

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American Revolution. 67

and it was fo, that the engines difcharged their thunders upon the town.

1 1 . And when the engines were at work, lo! the people of the provinces gat pofTefTion of the high places, and flrengthened themfelves on the top thereof, and it became a place of defence.

r 2. Now when the chief captain of the navy of the king of Britain, faw that the people of the provinces were encamped ori the high places, he was aflonifhed; and he fent to the chief captain of the hoft of Britain, and, faid. If thou fuftcr the army of the people of the provinces to occupy the high places, the king's fhips will be in danger.

13. Then was the chief captain of the army of the king of Britain troubled j and he pre- pared himfelf to go out and fight with the hod of the people of the provinces, and to drive them from the high places. And the people of the provinces, even the hod of Co* lumbiap they alfo prepared fgr the battle,