Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/85

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The Analyst.

your Judgment is to paſs for no more than that of other Men.

L. Of a long time I have ſuſpected, that theſe modern Analytics were not ſcientifical, and gave ſome Hints thereof to the Public about twenty five Years ago. Since which time, I have been diverted by other Occupations, and imagined I might employ my ſelf better than in deducing and laying together my Thoughts on ſo nice a Subject. And though of late I have been called upon to make good my Suggeſtions; yet as the Perſon, who made this Call, doth not appear to think maturely enough to underſtand, either thoſe Metaphyſics which he would refute, or Mathematics which he would patronize, I ſhould have ſpared my ſelf the trouble of writing for his Conviction. Nor ſhould I now have troubled you or my ſelf with this Addreſs, after ſo long an Intermiſſion of theſe Studies; were it not to prevent, ſo far as I am able, your impoſing on your ſelf and others in Matters of much higher Moment and Concern. And to the end that you may more clearly comprehend
