Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/86

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The Analyst.

the Force and Deſign of the foregoing Remarks, and purſue them ſtill further in your own Meditations, I ſhall ſubjoin the following Queries.

Query I. Whether the Object of Geometry be not the Proportions of aſſignable Extenſions? And whether, there be any need of conſidering Quantities either infinitely great or infinitely ſmall?

Qu. 2. Whether the end of Geometry be not to meaſure aſſignable finite Extenſion? And whether this practical View did not firſt put Men on the ſtudy of Geometry?

Qu. 3. Whether the miſtaking the Object and End of Geometry hath not created needleſs Difficulties, and wrong Purſuits in that Science?

Qu. 4. Whether Men may properly be ſaid to proceed in a ſcientific Method, without clearly conceiving the Object they are converſant about, the End propoſed, and the Method by which it is purſued?

Qu. 5. Whe-