Page:The Ancient Stone Implements (1897).djvu/551

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To the east, in Germany,[1] Austria,[2] Hungary,[3] and Russia,[4] such discoveries, though rare, seem to be not entirely unknown. Further evidence, however, is desirable.

In Italy[5] various implements, presumed to be of Palæolithic age, have been found in the gravels of the Tiber, but they are nearly all rude flakes. One, however, of ovate form, has been found near Gabbiano,[6] in the Abruzzo.

Other well-defined implements have been found near Perugia,[7] in the Imolese,[8] Ceppagna[9] (Molise), and elsewhere.

In the gravels of the valley of the Manzanares, at San Isidro, near Madrid, palæolithic implements of the usual types have been found, as well as some of a wedge shape, unlike the ordinary European types, but similar to one of the Madras forms. They are associated with the remains of an elephant, probably E. antiquus. The Quaternary beds at San Isidro are nearly 200 feet above the level of the existing river, and the implements that they contain are varied in character, some chipped out of porphyry and other old rocks, being very rude in fabric, while others of flint are as dexterously made as any of the ordinary specimens from St. Acheul. The first discovery made there was by M. Louis Lartet.[10] I have on several occasions visited the spot. Diagrammatic sections of the valley have been given by Prof. A. Gaudry[11] and M. E. Cartailhac.[12] Messrs. Siret[13] mention several other localities in Spain that have yielded palæolithic implements.

In Portugal[14] also, both in gravels and in caves, such implements have been found, and a good ovate specimen, made of quartz, from Leiria, near Lisbon, has been figured by[15] Cartailhac.

In Greece some almond-shaped implements, of the true palæo-

  1. Zeitsch. f. Ethn., vol. xxiv., 1892, p. 366. Mitth. d'Ant. Ges. in Wien, N. S., vol. xiii., 1893, p. 204. L'Anthropologie, vol. viii., 1897, p. 53.
  2. Cong. Préh. Buda-Pest, 1876, p. 33.
  3. Mitth. d'Anth. Ges. in Wien, N. S. vol. xiii. 1893, p. 77.
  4. L'Anthrop., vol. vi. 1895, p. 1. De Baye, "Rapport sur les découvertes de M. Savenkow dans la Siberie Orient.," 1894.
  5. Nicolucci, Rendiconte dell' Accad. di Napoli, August, 1868. Rossi, Rev. Arch., vol. xvi. p. 48. Ceselli, "Stromenti in Silice di Roma," 1866. Macmillan's Magazine, September. 1867.
  6. Concezio Rosa, "Ricerche di Arch. Preist." Firenze, 1871, pl. ii. 1.
  7. Arch. per l'Ant. e la Etn., vol. viii., 1878, p. 41.
  8. Gastaldi, "Iconografia," 1869, 4to, vol. ii.
  9. Bull. di Paletn. Ital., 1876, p. 122, pl. iv. 1.
  10. Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 2 S., t. xx., 1863, p. 698.
  11. L'Anihrop., vol. vi., 1895, p. 616.
  12. "Ages préh. de l'Esp. et du Port.," 1886, p. 26.
  13. "Les premiers Ages du mét. en Espagne," 1887, p. 249.
  14. Cong. préh. Lisbonne, 1880, p. 237.
  15. "Ages préh. de l'Esp. et du Port," 1886, p. 30.