Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/226

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  • Ceolwulf, king of Wessex, 12, 13
  • Ceowulf, king of Mercia, 43, 44
  • Cerdic, king of Wessex, 9
  • Chad, bishop of Lichfield, 23
  • Chalk-hythe synod, 39
  • Charles, earl of Flanders, 186, 194
  • Charles (the Fat), 56, 57
  • Chertsey monastery, 181
  • Chester bishopric, 188
  • Chiche (St. Osythe) monastery, 188
  • Cissa, king of the South Saxons, 8
  • Claudius invades Britain, 3
  • Cloveshoo synod, 34, 44
  • Coenred, or Kenred, king of Mercia, 30, 31
  • Coinwalch. See Kenwalk.
  • Colburga, abbess of Berkeley, 43
  • Coldingham monastery, 27
  • Columba, abbat of Iona, 11
  • Conwulf, or Cynewulf, bishop of Lindisfarne, 33, 38, 39
  • Crida, king of Mercia, 12
  • Cuichelm, king of the West Saxons, 13-17
  • Cutha, 11, 12
  • Cuthbald, abbat, 25, 26
  • Cuthbert, abp. of Canterbury, 34, 36
  • Cuthred, king, 17, 18, 23
  • Cuthred, king of Kent, 43
  • Cuthred, king of Wessex, 33, 34
  • Cuthwine defeats the Britons, 12
  • Cynegils, king of Wessex, 13-17
  • Cyneward, bishop of Wells, 82, 83
  • Cynewulf, king of Wessex, 34-39
  • Cynric, king of Wessex, 9, 10
  • Danes arrive in England, 39
  • Daniel, bishop of Winchester, 31-34
  • David, king of Scotland, 191, 193, 200, 203
  • Degsastan, 13
  • Denewulf, bishop of Winchester, 66
  • Deusdedit, archbp. of Canterbury, 19-23
  • Doomsday book compiled, 157
  • Dudoc, bishop of Wells, 117, 134
  • Dunstan (St.), archbishop of Canterbury, 72, 76, 87
  • Eadbald, king of Kent, 14-17
  • Eadbert, king of Kent, 32, 34
  • Eadbert, king of Northumbria, 33-30, 37
  • Eadbert Pren, king of Kent, 40, 41
  • Edburga, married to Bertric, 39
  • Eadhed, bishop of Sidnacester, 27
  • Eaduoth, bishop of Dorchester, 117, 121
  • Eadsine, archbp. of Canterbury, 112-122
  • Eafy, high steward, murdered, 94
  • Ealhard, bishop of Dorchester, 63
  • Ealstan, bishop of Sherborne, 44, 46, 49
  • Eanbald I., archbishop of York, 38, 41
  • Eanbald II., archbishop of York, 41, 42
  • Eanbert, bishop of Hexham, 43
  • Eanfled, daughter of king Edwin, 15, 15
  • Eanfrid, king of Bernicia, 15, 16
  • Eanwulf, earl of Somerton, 46
  • Eappa, priest, 22, 23
  • Earconbert, king of Kent, 17, 23
  • Earcongota, daughter of king Earconbert, 17
  • Eardulf, king of Northumbria, 41, 43
  • Eata, bishop of Lindisfarne, 27
  • Ebb, the Frisian, slain, 63
  • Edgar, king of Mercia, 78-84
  • Edgar, etheling, 139-144, 151-179
  • Edgar, king of Scotland, 173, 180
  • Edgitha, Edward's queen, 115
  • Edmund, St., king of East Auglia, 50
  • Edmund, the son of Edgar, 82
  • Edmund Ironside, 104-107
  • Ednoth, bishop of Dorchester, 101, 106
  • Edred, king, 77, 78, 82
  • Edric, ealdorman of Mercia, 97, 104, 107
  • Edward (the elder), king, 64-73
  • Edward (the martyr), 60-86
  • Edward (the confessor), 103, 113-140
  • Edward, son of Edmund, dies, 132-133
  • Edwin, abbat of Abingdon, 87
  • Edwin, etheling, drowned, 73
  • Edwin, king of Northumbria, 13, 15, 16
  • Edwy, etheling, banished by Canute, 107
  • Edwy, king of Wessex, 78
  • Egbald, abbat of Peterbrough, 28
  • Egbert, king of Kent, 23, 24
  • Egbert, king of Wessex, 42-45
  • Egbert, bishop of York, 33, 37
  • Egbert, abbat of Iona, 31, 32
  • Egbert II., bishop of Lindisfarne, 43
  • Egelric, bp. of Durham, 114, 132, 145, 151
  • Egelwine, bishop of Durham, 32, 51
  • Egfert, king of Mercia, 39, 40
  • Egfrid, king of Northumbria, 24-23
  • Eleutherius, bishop of Rome, 5
  • Eleutherius, bishop of Winchester, 24
  • Elfgar, bishop of Elmham, IDS
  • Elfhun, bishop of London, 101, 102
  • Elfric, archbishop of York, 109, 110, 119
  • Elfric, bishop of Elmham, 112
  • Elfric, ealdorman, 87, 88, 95
  • Elfrida, Edgar's queen, 82
  • Elfstan, bishop of London, 81, 88
  • Elfstan, bishop of Wiltshire, 86
  • Elfsy, abbat of Peterborough, 81
  • Elfsy, bishop of Winchester, 109, 111
  • Elfward, bishop of London, 116
  • Elfwin, brother to king Egfrid, 27
  • Elfwina, queen of Mercia, 69
  • Elgar, earl of Mercia, 129-133
  • Elmund, king of Kent, 39
  • Elphege, bishop of Winchester, 73, 77
  • Elphege II., archbishop of Canterbury, 87, 89, 96-101
  • Elstan, bishop of London, 64
  • Elswitha, Alfred's queen, 65
  • Ely monastery, 24, 79
  • Emma Elgive, 94, 102, 107, 112, 115, 127
  • Eorpwald, king of East Anglia, 16
  • Eric, king of Northumbria, 77