Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/227

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  • Eric, earl of Northumbria, 105, 107
  • Ermenred, son of Eadhald, 17
  • Ernost, bishop of Rochester, 145
  • Enulf, bishop of Rochester, 1S3, 191
  • Escwia, king of Wessex, 24, 26
  • Escwy, bishop of Dorchester, 8S
  • Ethehlard, king of Wessex, 32, 33
  • Ethelbald, king of Mercia, 31-36
  • Etholbald, king of Wessex, 46, 43
  • Ethelberga, daughter of king Ethelbert, 16
  • Ethelbert, archbishop of York, 37, S8
  • Ethelbert. bishop of Whitherne, 38, 42
  • Ethelbert, king of Kent, 10-14
  • Ethelbert II., King of Kent, 34, 86
  • Ethelbert, king of East Anglia, 40
  • Ethelbert, k. of Kent, Essex, Ac, 48, 49
  • Ethelburga, Ina's queen, 32
  • Etheldrida, daughter of king Anna, 24, 27, 79
  • Ethelfled, lady of Mercia, 66-72
  • Etlielfrid, king of Northurabria, 12-15
  • Ethelgar, archbishop of Canterbury, 82, 86, 87
  • Ethelnoth, archbishop of Canterbury, 108, 112
  • Ethelred, king of Mercia, 19-31
  • Ethelred, son of Moll, 37-40
  • Ethelred [Ethered], king of Wessex, 49-52
  • Ethelred; king of England, 85-105
  • Ethelric, king of Northumbria, 12
  • Ethelric, bishop of Selsey, 112
  • Ethelswith, queen of Mercia, 57
  • Ethehwalch, king of the South Saxons, 23
  • Ethelwald, prince, 64, 65
  • Ethelwald, bishop of Lindisfarne, 33
  • Ethelwald, bishop of Lichfield, 45
  • Ethelward, king of Wessex, 32, 33
  • Ethelwerd, high-steward, slain, 93
  • Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester, 55, 79, 82, 84, 87
  • Ethelwulf, king of Wessex, 45-48
  • Ethered, ealdorman of Mercia, 57, 60, 66
  • Etheric, bishop of Dorchester, 111
  • Eustace II. , earl of Boulogne, 119, 164
  • Felix, bishop of Dunwich, 17
  • Fingale synod, 39
  • Forthhere, 31, 33
  • Frithbert, bishop of Hexham, 37
  • Frithstan, bishop of Winchester, 66, 73
  • Frithwald, bishop of Whitherne, 37
  • Gebmund, bishop of Rochester, 29
  • Gerard, archbishop of York, 180
  • Geta, son of Severus, 5
  • Giso, bishop of Wells, 134
  • Glastonbury minster, 28, 155
  • Godfrey, bishop of Bath, 190
  • Godwin, earl, 111-129
  • Godwin III., bishop of Rochester, 100
  • Gosfrith, bishop, 162
  • Gothrun, a Danish king, 53, 54, 57
  • Gratian, emperor, 6
  • Gregory I., pope, 12
  • Griffin, Welsh king. 116-135
  • Grinketel, bishop of Selsey, 113, 117
  • Gundulph, Bishop of Rochester, 145
  • Gunnilde, banished, 116
  • Guthfrith, king of Northumbria, 73
  • Hadrian, abbat of St. Augustine's, 89
  • Halfdene, a Danish king, 51-53, 66
  • Hardecanute, 109, 114
  • Harold Harfager killed, 138
  • Harold I., king of England, 111-113
  • Harold II., 119-141
  • Hasten invades England, 58-60
  • Heahmund, bishop of Sherborne, 52
  • Heandred, bishop of Hexham, 42
  • Heathfield (Hatfield), 27
  • Heca, bishop of Selsey, 116-118, 133
  • Hedda, bishop, 26, 30
  • Hengist, a Saxon chieftain, 7, 8
  • Henry de Blois, bishop of Winchester, 197, 203
  • Henry I., 157, 159, 169, 174, 200
  • Herbert Losange, bishop of Thetford, 168
  • Herefrith, bishop of Sebey, 45
  • Hereward plunders Peterborough, 149, 150
  • Herman, bishop of Sherborne, 115, 122, 123, 124
  • Higbald, bishop of Lindisfarne, 39, 43
  • Higbert, bishop of Dorchester, 39
  • Hilda, abbess, 27
  • Hingwar and Hubba, 50
  • Honorius, archbp. of Canterbury, 16, 18
  • Honorius, pope, 16
  • Horsa, a Saxon chieftain, 7
  • Howel, king of West Wales (Cornwall), 73
  • Ida, king of Northumbria, 10
  • Ina, king of Wessex, 28-42
  • Ingild, brother of Ina, 31
  • Iona monastery, 11
  • Ithamar, bishop of Rochester, 20, 22
  • Jaruman, bishop of Repton, 20, 22
  • John (St.), of Beverley, 28, 32
  • Justus, archbishop of Canterbury, 13
  • Kenebert, bishop of Winchester, 42
  • Kenred, king of Mercia. See Coeured.
  • Kentwin, king of Wessex, 26, 27
  • Kenulf, king of Mercia, 41, 43
  • Kenuif, bishop of Winchester, 81, 88, 98
  • Kenwalk, king of Wessex, 17-18
  • Kineward, bishop of Winchester, 34
  • Kyneburg, sister of Wulfliere, 19-22
  • Kyneswith, sister of Wulfhere, 19-22
  • Kynsey, archbishop of York, 29-34
  • Lambert, archbp. of Canterbury, 37-40
  • Lanfranc, abp. of Canterbury, 145-148,164
  • Laurentius, archbp. of Canterbury, 14, 15