Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/35

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AD. 636–44.

the bishop, at Dorchester, and Oswald king of the North-humbrians was his godfather.

A. 636. This year king Cuichelm was baptized at Dorchester, and the same year he died. And bishop Felix preached the faith of Christ to the East-Angles.

A. 637. 638

A. 639. This year Birinus baptized king Cuthred at Dorchester, and received him as his (god) son.

A. 640. This year Eadbald, king of the Kentish-men, died, and he reigned twenty-five years. He had two sons, Ermenred and Earconbert, and Earconbert reigned there after his father. He overthrew all idolatry in his kingdom, and was the first of the English kings who established the Easter-fast. His daughter was called Earcongota, a holy woman and a wondrous person, whose mother was Sexberga, daughter of Anna, king of the East-Angles. And Ermenred begot two sons, who afterwards were martyred by Thunner.

A. 641.

A. 642. This year Oswald, king of the North-humbrians, was slain by Penda and the South-humbrians at Maserfeld on the Nones of August,[1] and his body was buried at Bardney. His sanctity and his miracles were afterwards manifested in various ways beyond this island, and his hands are at Bambrough, uncorrupted. And the same year that Oswald was slain, Oswy his brother succeeded to the kingdom of the North-humbrians, and he reigned two less (than) thirty years.

A. 643. This year Kenwalk succeeded to the kingdom of the West-Saxons, and held it thirty-one years; and Kenwalk commanded the old church at Winchester to be built in the name of St. Peter: and he was the son of Cynegils.

A. 644. This year Paulinus died, on the sixth before the Ides of October;[2] he was first archbishop of York, and afterwards at Rochester. He was bishop one less (than) twenty years, and two months and twenty-one days. And this year Oswin's uncle's son,[3] the son of Osric, succeeded to the kingdom of Deira, and reigned seven years.

  1. The 5th of August.
  2. The 10th of October.
  3. This is apparently corrupt, and should be read 'Oswin, the son of Osric, Edwin's uncle's son.' See Bede, iii. 1, and above An. 634.