Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/36

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A.D. 615–653.

A. 645. This year king Kenwalk was driven out of his kingdom by king Penda.

A. 646. This year king Kenwalk was baptized.

A. 647.

A. 648. This year Kenwalk gave Cuthred, his kinsman three thousand hides of land by Ashdown, [Aston?] Cuthred was the son of Cuichelm, Cuichelm of Cynegils. This year the minster was built at Winchester, which king Kenwalk caused to be made, and hallowed in the name of St. Peter.

A. 649.

A. 650. This year Agilbert, a native of Gaul, obtained the bishopric of the West-Saxons after Birinus the Romish bishop.

A. 650. This year Birinus the bishop died, and Agilbert the Frenchman was ordained.

A. 650. This year king Oswy ordered king Oswin to be slain, on the thirteenth before the Kal. of September; and about twelve days after this bishop Aidan died, on the second before the Kal. of September.

A. 651.

A. 652. This year Kenwalk fought at Bradford on the Avon.

A. 653. This year the Middle-Saxons, under Peada the ealdorman, received the true faith.

A. 654. This year king Anna was slain, and Botolph began to build a minster at Ycean-ho [Boston?]. And this year archbishop Honorius died, on the second before the Kalends of October.

A. 655. This year king Oswy slew king Penda at Winwidfield, and thirty men of royal race with him, and some of them were kings, among whom was Ethelhere, brother of Anna, king of the East Angles. And the Mercians became Christians. From the beginning of the world to this time five thousand eight hundred and fifty years were agone; and Peada the son of Penda succeeded to the kingdom of the Mercians.

[1] In his time he and Oswy the brother of king Oswald came together, and agreed that they would rear a monastery to the glory of Christ and the honour of St. Peter. And they did so, and named it 'Medeshamstede' [Peterborough], because

  1. This is the first of many late additions to the Chronicle concerning the monastery of Peterborough. They occur in only one of the MSS.