Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/100

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Ongean-winan, to struggle against, resist.
Winstra, left, sinister.
Gewis, prudent, skilful.
Forwitan, to know beforehand.
Ny'tan (ne witan), not to know. This word is inadvertently omitted in the Glossary to the Analecta A. S.
Unwreón, i. q. onwreón, to uncover.
Oferwritan, to read over.
Wuda-land, woodland.
Ungewunelic, unusual, uncommon.
II. 1. worth, value, price.
Wyrrest, worst. Gr. p. 51.
Yldan, to delay, postpone.
Ætywian, i. q. ateowian, &c, to show.
UnÞanc, II. 2. harm, injury.
Þancful, thankful.
pearfende, needy, in misery; from Þearfan.
Þearfendlic, poor.
Þeaw, endowment, quality.
Þegn, i. q. Þegen, thane, minister, servant.
BeÞencan, pret. -Þohte, to bethink, consider, ponder over.
GeÞencan, to think of, remember.
Þenung, attendance.
Þeow, servant; but p. 12, line 20, used adjectively for servile.
MisÞincan, to seem wrong, to mistake.
Þing, thing, place: on Þisum Þingum, in this state.
II. 2. ball.
Þweal, III. 1? place for washing, lavacrum; from Þwean, to wash.