Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/101

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Page 14, line 14, after gebeorscipe some words seem wanting to complete the sense.
Page— — — 16, line— — — 12, ⁊ gecig Þe to Þinum frynd (freondum?). The sense of this passage seems very uncertain.
Page— — — 20, line— — — 17, næs git yfel wif. Of these words I can make no sense; they are not in the Latin text of the Gesta, which has "Apollonius ait, Sume codicillos quos tibi misit pater tuus, et lege."


Page 6, line— — — 8, for fundon read funden
Page— — — 6— — —, line— — — 25, for Antiochio read Antiocho
Page— — — 7, line— — — 20, for Þa read Þe
Page— — — 9, line— — — 11, after wælreowesta insert [deað]
Page— — — 12, line— — — 8, for mine read minne
Page— — — 13, line— — — 4, for geslegene read geslegenne
Page— — — 19, line— — — 16, for gecneordnessan read gecneordnessa
Page— — — 28, line— — — 9, for ealde-fæder read ealda-fæder


Page 3, line ult., for into read in to
Page— — — 15, line— — — 17, for stille restore the reading of the MS. stilli, as being the orthography of the Saxon translator for stillig.
Page— — — 28, line— — — 4, for hande read handa
Page— — — 39, line— — — 23, dele I was