Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/12

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cyninge ⁊ cwæð. Wel gesund cyningc, hwæt ic becom nu to ðe swa swa to godum fæder ⁊ arfæstum. Ic eom soðlice of cynelicum cynne cumen. ⁊ ic bidde þinre dohtor me to gemæccan.

Đa ða se cynge ꝥ gehyrde ꝥ he his willes gehyran nolde. he swiðe irlicum andwlitan beseah to ðam iungan cnyhte (ealdormen),[1] ⁊ cwæð. Ðu iunga mann. canst ðu þone dóm mynre dohtor gifta. Apollodius cwæð. Ic con þone dóm. ⁊ ic hine æt þam geate geseah. Đa cwæð se cyninge mid æbilignesse. Gehir nu þone rædels. Scelere vereor. materna carne vescor. [(ꝥ) is on englisc. (s)cylde ic (þ)olige. moddrenum][2] flæsce ic bruce. Eft he cwæð. Quero patrem meum, mee matris virum. uxoris mee filiam. nec invenio. Đæt is on englisc. Ic sece minne fæder. mynre modor wer. mines wifes dohtor. ⁊ ic ne finde.

Apollonius þa soðlice. onfangenum rædelse. hine bewænde hwón fram ðam cyninge. mid þy þa he smeade ymbe ꝥ ingehyd. he hit gewan mid wisdome. ⁊ mid godes fultume he ꝥ soð arædde. Bewende hine þa to ðam cynincge ⁊ cwæð. Đa goda cyning. þa asettest rædels. gehyr ðu þa onfundennesse ymbe ꝥ þa cwæde. Ðæt þa scilde þolodest. ne eart ðu leogende on ðam. beseoh to ðe silfum. And ꝥ þa cwæde. moddrenum flæsce ic bruce. ne eart ðu on ðam leogende. beseoh to þinre dohtor.

  1. In the MS. the word ealdormen is written over cynhte.
  2. The words within brackets are from a marginal note.