Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/13

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Mid þy þe se cyninge gehirde ꝥ apollonius þone rædels swa rihte arædde. þa ondred he ꝥ hit to widcuð wære. beseah ða mid irlicum andwlitan to him ⁊ cwæð. Đu iunga man. þu eart feor fram rihte. þu dwelast. ⁊ nis naht ꝥ þu segst. ac þu hæfst beheafdunge ge-earnad. nu læte ic ðe to þrittigra daga fæce. ꝥ þu beþence ðone rædels ariht. ⁊ ðu siððan onfoh minre dohtor to wife. gif ðu ꝥ ne dest. þu scealt oncnawan þone gesettan dóm. Đa wearð apollonius swiðe gedrefed. ⁊ mid his geferum on scip astah. ⁊ reow oð ꝥ he becom to tirum.

Soðlice æfter þam. þa apollonius afaren wæs. antiochus se cyningc him to gecigde his dihtnere. se wæs thaliarcus gehaten. Thaliarce. ealra mynra digolnessa myn se getrywesta þegn. wite þu ꝥ apollonius ariht arædde mynne rædels. astih nu rædlice on scip ⁊ far æfter him. ⁊ þonne þu him to becume. þone acwel ðu hine. mid isene. oððe mid attre. ꝥ þu mage freodom onfón þonne þu ongean cymst. Thaliarcus sona swa he ꝥ gehyrde. he genám mid him ge feoh ge attor ⁊ on scip astah ⁊ fór æfter þam unscæððian apollonie. oð ðæt he to his eðle becom. Ac apollonius þeah-hwæðre ær becom to his agenan. ⁊ into his huse eode. ⁊ his bóc-ciste untynde. ⁊ asmeade þone rædels. æfter ealra uðwitena ⁊ chaldea wisdome.

Mid þi þe he naht elles ne onfunde. buton ꝥ he ær geþohte. he cwæð þa to him silfum. Hwæt dest þu nu apolloni. ðæs cynges rædels þu asmeadest. ⁊ þu his