Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/14

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dohtor ne onfenge. forðam þu eart nu fordemed ꝥ þu acweald wurðe. ⁊ he þa út eode. ⁊ het his scip mid hwæte gehlæstan. ⁊ mid micclum gewihte goldes ⁊ seolfres. ⁊ mid mænifealdum y genihtsumum reafum. ⁊ swa mid feawum þam getrywestum mannum on scip astah. on ðare þriddan tide þare nihte. y sloh út on ða sæ. Đa ðy æftran dæge wæs apollonius gesoht ⁊ geacsod. ac he ne wæs nahwar fundón. Ðar wearð ða micel morcnung ⁊ ormæte wóp. swa ꝥ se heaf swegde geond ealle þa ceastre. Soðlice swa micele lufe hæfde eal seo ceaster-waru to him. ꝥ hi lange tid eodon ealle unscorene ⁊ síd-feaxe. heora waforlican plegan forleton. ⁊ heora baða belucon.

Đa ða þas þinge ðus gedone wæron on tiron. ða becom se foresæda thaliarcus. se wæs fram antiocho þam cynincge. he wæs asænd to ðam ꝥ he scolde apollonium acwellan. Đa he geseah ꝥ ealle þas þingc belocene wæron. þa cwæð he to ánum cnapan. Swa ðu gesund sy. sege me for hwilcum intingum þeos ceaster wunige on swa micclum heafe ⁊ wope. Him ⁊swerode se cnapa ⁊ þus cwæð. Eala hu mánful man þu eart. ðu þe wast ꝥ þu æfter axsast. oððe hwæt is manna þe nyte. ꝥ þeos ceaster-waru on heafe wunað. forðam de apollonius[1] se ealdorman færinga nahwar ne ætywde. siððan he ongean com fram antiochio þam cyninge. Đa þa thaliarcus ꝥ gehyrde. he mid micclan gefean to scipe gewænde. mid gewísre segl-

  1. MS. apollianus.