Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/18

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gode. ic eom hider cumen. ic sille eow soðlice hund-teontig þusenda mittan hwætes. to ðam wurde ðe ic hit gebohte on minum lande. Đa ða ꝥ folc ꝥ gehirde, hi wæron bliðe gewordene ⁊ him georne þancodon. ⁊ to-geflites þone hwæte up bæron. Hwæt ða apollonius forlet his þone wurðfullan cynedom ⁊ mangeres naman[1] þar genám ma þonne gifendes. ⁊ ꝥ wyrð þe he mid þam hwæte genám he ageaf sona agean to ðare ceastre bote. Đæt folc wearð da swa fagen his cystignessa ⁊ swa þancful. ⁊ hig worhton him áne anlicnesse of áre. þe[2] on ðare stræte stód. mid ðare swiðran hand þone hwæte hlód ⁊ mid þam winstran fet þa mittan træd. ⁊ þaron þus awriton.[3] Ðas gifu sealde seo ceasterwaru on tharsum. apollonio þam tiriscan. forðam þe he [ꝥ][4] folc of hungre alesde. ⁊ heora ceastre gestaðolode.

Æfter þisum hit gelamp binnon feawum monðum. ꝥ stranguilio ⁊ dionisiade his wif gelærdon apollonium ðæt he ferde on scipe to pentapolim þare ciriniscan birig. ⁊ cwædon. ꝥ he mihte þar bediglad beon ⁊ þar wunian. and ꝥ folc hine þa mid unasecgendlicre wurðmynte to scipe gelæddon. ⁊ apollonius hi bæd ealle gretan[5] ⁊ on scip astah. Mid þi þe hig ongunnon þa rowan. ⁊ hi forðwerd wæron on heora weg. þa wearð ðare sæ smiltnesse awænd færinga betwux twam tidum. ⁊ wearð micel reownes aweht. swa ꝥ seo sæ

  1. MS. nama.
  2. MS. ⁊.
  3. MS. awriten.
  4. Not in MS.
  5. MS. greton.