Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/19

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cnyste þa heofonliсan tungla. ⁊ ꝥ gewealc þara yða hwaðerode mid windum. þar to-eacan comon[1] east-norðerne windas. ⁊ se ángrislica suð-westerna wind him ongean stód. ꝥ scip eall tobærst on ðissere egeslican reownesse. Apollonius geferan ealle forwurdon to deaðe. ⁊ apollonius ána becom mid sunde to pentapolim þam ciriniscan lande. ⁊ par up-eode on ðam strande. Đa stớd he nacod on ðam strande ⁊ beheold þa sæ ⁊ cwæð. Eala þu sæ neptune, manna bereafigend ⁊ unscæððigra beswicend. þu eart wælreowra þonne antiochus se cyngc. for minum þingum þu geheolde þam wælreownesse. ꝥ ic þurh ðe gewurde wædla ⁊ þearfa. ⁊ ꝥ se wælreowa[2] cyngc me þy eaðe fordón mihte. hwider mæg ic nu faran. hwæs mæg ic biddan. oððe hwa gif þam uncuðan lifes fultum.

Mid þi þe he þas þingc wæs sprecende to him silfum. þa færinga geseah he sumne fiscere gán. to þam he beseah ⁊ þus sarlice cwæð. Gemiltsa me þu ealda man. sy ꝥ þu sy. gemildsa me nacodum forlidenum. næs na of earmlicum birdum geborenum. ⁊ ðæs ðe ðu gearo forwite hwam ðu gemiltsige. ic eom apollonius se tirisca ealdorman. Đa sona swa se fiscere geseah ꝥ se iunga man æt his fotum læg. he mid mildheortnesse hine up-ahóf ⁊ lædde hine mid him to his huse. ⁊ ða estas him beforan legde þe he him to beodenne hæfde. Đa git he wolde be his mihte máran fæstnesse him gecyðan. toslát þa his wæfels on twá ⁊ sealde

  1. MS. coman.
  2. MS. wælreownessa