Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/24

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Mid þy þe se cyngc ꝥ geseah, he bewende hine ða to ðare dohtor ⁊ cwæð. Leofe[1] dohtor. þu gesingodest. mid þy þe þu woldest witan his naman ⁊ his gelimp. þu hafast nu ge-edniwod his ealde sar. ac ic bidde þu ꝥ þu gife him swa hwæt swa þu wille. Ða ða ꝥ mæden gehirde ꝥ hire wæs alyfed from hire fæder ꝥ heo ær hyre silf gedón wolde. ða cwæð heo to apollonio. Apolloni, soðlice þu eart ure. forlæt þine murcnunge. ⁊ nu ic mines fæder leafe habbe. ic gedo þe weligne. Apollonius hire þæs þancode. ⁊ se cyngc blissode on his dohtor welwillendnesse ⁊ hyre to cwæð. Leofe[2] dohtor. hat feccan þine hearpan. ⁊ gecig ðe to þinum frynd. ⁊ afirsa fram þam iungian his sarnesse.

Da eode heo ut ⁊ het feccan hire hearpan. ⁊ sona swa heo hearpian[3] ongan. heo mid winsumum sange gemægnde þare bearpan sweg. Ða ongunnon ealle þe men hi herian on hyre sweg-cræft. ⁊ apollonius ána swigode. Đa cwæð se cyningc. Apolloni. nu ðu dest yfele. forðam þe ealle men heriað mine dohtor on hyre sweg-cræfte. ⁊ þu ána hi swigende tælst. Apollonius cwæð. Eala ðu goda cyngc. gif ðu me gelifst. ic secge ꝥ ic ongite ꝥ soðlice þin dohtor gefeol on sweg-cræft. ac heo næfð hine na wel geleornod. ac hat me nu sillan þe hearpan. þonne wást þu nu þu git nást. Arcestrates de cyning cwæð. Apolloni. ic oncnawe soðlice ꝥ þu eart on eallum þingum wel gelæred. Ða

  1. MS. leofa.
  2. MS. leofa.
  3. MS. heapian.