Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/25

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het se cyng sillan apollonige þa hearpan. Apollonius þa út eode ⁊ hine scridde ⁊ sette ænne cyne-helm uppon his heafod ⁊ nám þa hearpan on his hand, in-eode. ⁊ swa stód ꝥ se cyngc ⁊ ealle þa ymbsittendan wéndon ⁊ he nære apollonius ac ꝥ he wære apollines ðara hæðenra god. Đa wearð stilnes ⁊ swige geworden innon ðare healle. ⁊ apollonius his hearpe-nægl genám. ⁊ he þa hearpe-strengas mid cræfte astirian ongan. ⁊ þare hearpan sweg mid winsumum sange gemægnde. ⁊ se cynge silf ⁊ ealle þe þar andwearde wæron micelre stæfne cliopodon ⁊ hine heredon. Æfter þisum forlet apollonius pa hearpan ⁊ plegode[1] ⁊ fela fægera þinga þar forðteah. þe þam folce ungecnawen[2] wæs ⁊ ungewunelic. ⁊ heom eallum þearle licode ælc þara þinga ðe he forðteah.

Soðlice mid þy þe þæs cynges dohtor geseah ꝥ apollonius on eallum gódum cræftum swa wel wæs getogen. þa gefeol hyre mod on his lufe. Đa æfter þæs beorscipes ge-endunge. cwæð þ mæden to ðam cynge. Leofa fæder. þu lyfdest me litle ær ꝥ ic moste gifan apollonio swa hwæt swa ic wolde of þinum gold-horde. Arcestrates se cyng cwæð to hyre. Gif him swa hwæt swa ðu wille. Heo ða sweoðe bliðe út-eode ⁊ cwæð. Láreow apolloni. ic gife þe be mines fæder leafe. twa hund punda goldes. ⁊ feo-

  1. MS. plegod.
  2. MS. ungecnawe. Grammatical correctness requires, ungecnawene wæron ⁊ ungewunelice.