Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/33

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dohtor wære forðfaren. ⁊ me wæs min sar eal ge-edniwod.

Mid þam þe he ðas þingc eal areht hæfde. arcestrate soðlice his wíf up arás ⁊ hine ymbclypte. Ða niste na apollonius ne ne gelifde ꝥ heo his gemæcca wære ac sceaf hi fram him. Heo ða micelre stæfne clipode ⁊ cwæð mid wope. Ic eom arcestrate þin gemæcca. arcestrates dohtor þæs cynges. and þu eart apollonius min láreow þe me lærdest. þu eart se forlidena man ðe ic lufode. na for galnesse ac for wisdome. hwar is min dohtor. He bewænde hine þa to thasian ⁊ cwæð. þis heo is. ⁊ hig weopon ða ealle ⁊ eac blissodon. ⁊ ꝥ word sprang geond eal ꝥ land ꝥ apollonius se mæra cyngc hæfde funden[1] his wif. ⁊ þar wearð ormæte blis. ⁊ þa organa wæron getogene. ⁊ þa biman geblawene. ⁊ þar wearð bliðe gebeorscipe gegearwod betwux þam cynge ⁊ þam folce. ⁊ heo gesette hyre gingran þe hire folgode to sacerde. ⁊ mid blisse ⁊ heofe ealre þare mægðe on efesum heo fór mid here were ⁊ mid hire aðume ⁊ mid hire dohtor to antiochian. þar apollonio wæs ꝥ cyne-ríce gehealden. fór ða siððan to tirum ⁊ gesette þar athenagoras his aðum to cynge. fór ða soðlice þanon to tharsum mid his wífe ⁊ mid his dohtor ⁊ mid cynelicre firde. ⁊ het sona gelæccan stranguilionem ⁊ dionisiaden. ⁊ lædan beforan him þar he sæt on his þrim-setle.

  1. MS. fundon.