Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/34

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Ða ða hi gebrohte wæron. þa cwæð he beforan ealre þare gaderunge. Ge tharsysce ceaster-gewaran. cweðe ge ꝥ ic apollonius eow dide ægre ænigne unþanc.[1] Hi þa ealle ánre stæfne cwædon. We sædon æfre ꝥ þu ure cyng ⁊ fæder wære ⁊ for ðe we woldon lustlice sweltan.[2] forðam þe þu us alysdest of hungre. Apollonius þa cwæð. Ic befæste mine dohtor stranguilionem ⁊ dionisiade ⁊ hi noldon me þa agifan. Ðæt yfele wif cwæð. Næs ꝥ wel hlaford ꝥ þu silf aræddest þa stafas ofer hire birgene. Ða clipode apollonius swiðe hlude ⁊ cwæð. Leofe dohtor thasia. gif ænig andgit sy on helle. læt þu þæt cwic-suslene hús. ⁊ gehir ðu ðines fæder stæfne. Ðæt mæden ða forð-eode mid cynelicum reafe ymbscrid ⁊ unwreah hire heafod ⁊ cwæð hlude to þam yfelan wífe. Dionisia hál wes þu. ic grete þe nu of helle geciged. Ðæt forscildgode wíf þa eallum limon abifode. þa ða heo hire on-locode. ⁊ seo ceaster-gewaru wundrode ⁊ blissode. Ða het thasia beforan gelædan theophilum dionisiades gerefan ⁊ him to cwæð. Theophile. to þon ꝥ þu ðe gebeorge. sege hluddre stæfne. hwa ðe hete me ofslean. Se gerefa cwæð. Dionisia min hlæfdige. Hwæt seo burh-waru þa gelæhton stranguilionem ⁊ his wíf ⁊ læddon út on ða ceastre ⁊ ofstændon hi to deaðe ⁊ woldon eac theophilum ofslean ac thasia him þingode ⁊ cwæð. Buton þes man me þone first forgeafe ꝥ ic me to gode gebæde. þonne ne be-

  1. MS. unþang.
  2. MS. swiltan.