Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/35

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come ic to þissere are. Heo ræhte þa soðlice hire handa him to ⁊ het hine gesund faran. ⁊ philothemian þare forscildgodan dohtor thasia nám to hyre. Apollonius ða soðlice forgeaf ðam folce micele gifa to blissa ⁊ heora weallas wurdon ge-edstaðelode. He wunode þa þar six monðas ⁊ fór siððan on scipe to pentapolim þare cireniscan birig ⁊ com to arcestrates þam cynge. ⁊ se cyng blissode on his ylde ꝥ he geseah his nefan mid hire were. Hi wunodon togædere án gear fullice ⁊ se cyning siððan arcestrates fulfremedre ylde forðferde betwux him eallum. ⁊ becwæð healf his ríce apollonio healf his dohtor.

Ðisum eallum ðus gedonum. eode apollonius se mæra cyngc wið ða sæ. þa geseah he þone ealdan fiscere þe ær nacodne underfengc. þa het se cyngc hine færlice gelæccan ⁊ to ðare cynelican healle gelædan. Ða ða se fiscere ꝥ geseah ꝥ hine þa cæmpan woldon niman. þa wénde he ærest ꝥ hine man scolde ofslean. ac mid þam þe he com into ðæs cynges healle. þa het se cyningc hine lædan to-foran þare cwéne ⁊ þus cwæð. Eala þu eadige cwén. þis is min tacenbora þe me nacodne underfenc ⁊ me getæhte ꝥ ic to þe becom. Ða beseah apollonius se cyng to ðam fiscere ⁊ cwæð. Eala wel-willenda ealda. ic eom apollonius se tirisca þam þu sealdest healfne þinne wæfels. Him geaf ða se cyngc twa hund gildenra pænega ⁊ hæfde hine to geferan þa hwíle þe he lifede.