Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/216

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Alabil, n. Slave, servant.

Alah, v. To bear, to carry; hence, to bring forth, to give birth to, as a woman a child.

Alan, v. To ridicule, depreciate.

Amaꜫ, n. Village, tribe, region or district. See p. 33.

An, part. An emphatic particle, truly, really.

Aneh, v. To flee, escape.

Anom, n. A fugitive.

At, pron. Thou.

Atiniçah, v. To bathe.

Avan, n. Crops, plantings.

Aꜫa, n. Night, darkness.

Aꜯaxah, v. To hear, to listen to.

Bak, v. To bore. n. A bone.

Bala, adv. Where.

Balam, n. A tiger.

Balbaxin, adj. Twisted, interlaced, dense.

Ban, v. 1. To make, to do, or cause to do. 2. To ask. 3. To dress, or arrange one's apparel.

Bay, n. A mole, a ground animal.

Baꜯ, n. What is spun, as cotton, or drawn into fine threads as gold. n. A monkey.

Be, v. To go.

Belehe, adv. Nine.

Bey, n. Path, road, route.

Bi, n. A name; ru bi, his or its name.

Bijh, v. To speak, to talk.

Bijn, v. To walk, to go on foot.

Birbot, v. To make a loud, rumbling noise. Ti birbot, ti nicnot, it roars and it rumbles, of the volcano (Varea).

Bitol, n. The creator. See p. 40.

Bix, n. 1. Songs, chants, poems. 2. Sparks from a fire (p. 17).

Bok, v. To tear up; to pull down; to sell for another; to translate; to defeat.

Bol, v. To make deep trenches in the soil ("as the Indians of the Sierra." Varea).

Boleh, v. To go in a row, in a series, or in a procession. Applied to mountains, when one rises upon another (Varea).

Boz, vn. To issue forth; hence, of flowers, to open, to blow; of a butterfly, to come forth from the cocoon; of chicks, to