Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/217

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come from the egg; of grains of maize, to burst; of men, to proceed from, to be born; xeboço, the absolute form.

Cabih, n. Day after to-morrow.

Cacouh, n. Cacao.

Cah, n. The sky, heaven, the atmospheric region.

Cah, or Cahi, adv. Four.

Cahlahuh, adv. Fourteen.

Cahmah, v. To meet a repulse, defeat.

Cak, adj. Red.

Cakix, n. A bird. See p. 199.

Cal, n. That which is united or joined.

Camel, n. A mortal. Adj. Humble.

Camiçah, v. To kill, to slay, to destroy.

Can, adv. Remaining, aforesaid, already. See Gram., p. 65.

Cana, n. A captive taken in war.

Canah, v. To remain, to leave; ti canay, neuter, it appears, it is found.

Cani, adv. Soon, shortly.

Canoh, v. To seek, to search for.

Car, n. Fish, generic name.

Cauh, n. Ornaments, adornments.

Cavach, n. Likeness, resemblance.

Cavuh, Cauh, v. To place anew, to notify, to prepare; to change, to put on again.

Cay, adv. Two.

Caꜭ, n. Cock (Br).

Cib, n. Smoke, vapor.

Civan, n. A ravine, barranca.

Ciꜭ, v. To lift up the voice, n. Shoutings.

Co. A concessive particle. Good! Bravo! Courage! On!

Col, v. To free, to liberate; to redeem, to save; xoh ru col J. C. chuvach cruz. Christ redeemed us on the cross.

Coon, n. For cun, pudenda of a woman (Xim); hence, woman.

Cot, n. The eagle.

Cou, n. Something rough and violent.

Couiricah, v. To strengthen, to invigorate.

Covil, adj. Bold, courageous.

Coz, v. To rest.

Cucu, n. Large vase for water.

Cuçul, n. Cradle.