Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/218

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Cuke, v. To seat onesself.

Cuker, v. To be seated; to be content.

Cumatz, n. A serpent (gen). An eel.

Cunum Cachak. See p. 206.

Cuyuꜭh, n. A species of parrot.

Ça, v. To expose or show to the sun; to dry. Met.; çao ru vach, to show one's face, to recover power.

Çach, v. To lose, to become lost.

Çak, adj. White; bright; light, n. A white or clear thing. A clearing in the forest, cleared land (Varea).

Çahcab, n. p. 12, for

Çakcab, n. Literally, white honey; white varnish (Brasseur). Probably "war paint."

Çaker, v. To make white, light or clear. To clear a space in the forest (Varea). See p. 199.

Çakcorovach, n. The dove or quail.

Çakquiy, n. The maguey, used in making rope, etc.

Çaꜫih for Çakꜫih, n. Literally, white days, applied to the spring of the year. See p. 198.

Çamahel, n. Messengers.

Çanay, n. Sand.

Çaꜫul, n. A plantain; in gen. any kind of vegetable.

Çaꜭ, n. Locusts.

Çe, v. To row.

Çel, n. A large painted vase for bathing (jĭcara pintado. Anon).

Çeteçic, adj. Circular, rounded. See p. 18.

Çipah, v. To present, to offer.

Çol, v. for Tzolih, q. v.

Çol, v. To upheave, to make a revolution.

Çolo, v. To turn about; to return; to go back.

Çoꜭ, n. A bat.

Çubak, n. A kind of flute.

Çutulakin, v. To render homage.

Çuq, n. A cloud, the clouds.

Cha, v. To say, to tell, to speak.

Chacan, v. To cover, enclose; to be within or on.

Chactit ?, from Chaꜫ, something tied or sewed.

Chăh, n. The pine tree, the ocote pine.

Chah, n. Ashes, cinders.