Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/219

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Chapalcivan, n. See p. 197.

Chahih, v. To guard, to watch; to protect; to keep. Chahal çivan, the guard of the ravine. See Gram., p. 42.

Chahir, v. To burn, to reduce to cinders. From chah.

Chaomal, n. Beauty, fruitfulness.

Chaomar, v. To yield abundantly.

Chap, v. To seize, to take, to take possession of.

Chay, n. A stone. See p. 18.

Chaꜫabeh, v. To receive with pleasure, to take gladly.

Chee, n. Wood, stick, tree.

Chi, n. Mouth; aperture, opening; gate; mouth of a river; coast of the sea; edge or border.

Chi, 1. With, by, to, for, against. 2. In order to, that, and 3. While, during, being.

Chic. 1, A verbal particle, denoting past time. 2. Already, more. Before vi, the c is dropped, as hun chi vi, once more.

Chicah. Above, upon, upwards.

Chicohol. Between yourselves.

Chicop. A brute, an animal as distinguished from man; met.; a brutish man. See p. 39.

Chiih (chi ih). Upon, on.

Chila. There, that way.

Chin. For, by, by means of, thus.

Chinak, interrog. Who, which, what?

Chinamit, n. Town, village. See p. 32.

Chique. To, for those.

Chiquichin. To, for those.

Chiquih. Against those.

Chire. To, for him, that one.

Chirih. Behind, against that one; from, out of.

Chivach. Before yourselves.

Chive. To, for, against yourselves.

Cho. To, for, in, until, towards.

Chocola, adj. In common, communal.

Cholol, v. To place in order, to arrange.

Chom, n. A lobster.

Choy, n. A lake.

Chucohol, prep. Among, between.

Chuluc, n. Urine.

Chun, n. Lime.

Chunah, v. To whitewash.