Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/222

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Lab, n. A portent, an augury. See pp. 39, 47.

Labal, n. An enemy, opponent.

Labalih, v. To make war, to fight. See p. 47.

Lehah, v. To fall sick; to grow weak; to be overcome or conquered.

Lakam, n. The war banner, "bandera de la guerra."

Lakeh, v. To bring, to carry, to give.

Lam, n. The hard part; trunk of a tree, etc.

Lamaba, To detain one, to prevent him from going.

Laꜫabeh, v. To enter into a place, to dwell there; to occupy as a residence (entrar á morar en casa. Varea).

Laꜫeh, v. To join or unite two things; especially to unite in the sexual act.

Lob, n. Magical power.

Lol, n. The silence or state of desertion left by a pestilence, etc. See p. 38.

Loꜫ, v. To prize, to hold dear, to esteem.

Macamo, v. To take alarm, to be frightened, to wonder at.

Maha, adv. Even not, not yet.

Mahanick, adv. Before that, previous to.

Malohic, n. A preparation of maize (?).

Mam, n. Grandchild.

Mama, n. An old man; pl. mamaa, the old men; nu mama, my ancestors; also the rulers of a village; applied to animals it means the male of the species.

Mani, adv. No, not.

May, v. A cycle, especially of 20 years. May ꜫih, a calendar for calculating cycles. See p. 31.

Meal, n. A daughter.

Meba, adj. Poor.

Meh, n. A gable in a roof; an angle; a fold in clothing, etc.

Meho, v. To make an angle or fold; hence, to go to a place and return from it.

Mem, n, A dumb man; to be dumb.

Mez, n. A cat. See p. 44.

Meztah, v. To forget.

Meꜫen, adj. Warm, hot.

Mi, adv. Particle, denoting recent past time, prefixed to form the proximate preterit tense.

Mier, adv. Already, previously.