Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/223

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Miꜭh, v. To tear up, to tear out or down.

Miꜭhoh, v. To lie to, to deceive; to ridicule, to laugh at, to mock.

Mol, v. To gather together scattered things, to fill up, to collect.

Moyeuh, n. A fog, the mist.

Muh, n. Shade, shadow; hence, fig. protection, guardianship. See p. 20.

Muk, v. To hide, to conceal; to bury.

Mun, adj. Hungry, n. A slave. See p. 39.

Na, adv. A particle denoting priority, from nabey, first; hence, navipe, and, also, next, until, presently. See Gram., p. 65.

Na, v. To know, to learn.

Nabey, adv. First.

Nabeyah, v. To be first.

Naek, adv. Although, but.

Nano, v. To receive more than another.

Nanoh, adj. Known, said; hence, xa nanoh, already known, aforesaid, etc. From na, to know.

Naval, n. Knowledge, wisdom; especially occult knowledge, magic, sorcery. See p. 46.

Nicnic, v. To quiver, to tremble.

Nima, adj. Great. n. A great thing.

Nimah, v. To make great, to adore.

Nimal, n. The elder brother; the head of a home.

Niꜭah, n. The middle, the center.

Niꜭahal, n. The middle parts of anything; the sexual parts, etc.

Nu, pron. My, mine.

Oc, v. To enter.

Ochoch, n. House. See p. 33.

Ocox, n. Fungus, of the edible variety.

Oh, pron. We.

Oh, adv. Sign of the imperative. Oh a ꜭama pe lae queh, Bring that horse (Varea).

Ohb, n. A cough.

Oher, adv. Formerly, in ancient times.

Ok, adv. When; also the imperative particle.

Okok, n. Wild goose.

Oqueçah, v. To put something in something; hence, to put on