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one's clothes, to dress onesself. From oc, to enter. Met. to obey.

Oro, v. To bore, to pierce, to hollow out.

Oxlahuh, adv. Thirteen.

Oyevar, v. To become angry.

Oyobeh, v. To hope.

Oꜫ, v. To weep, to cry.

Oꜫeh, n. A wail, a weeping, v. To bewail.

Pa, prep. In, to; tan qui be pa huyu, I am going to the mountain pa hay, in the house. Before a vowel, pan is used.

Pac or Pacay. The anona, the custard apple.

Pacac, v. To dawn.

Pae, v. To be on foot, to stand, to be at.

Palah, v. To annoy, to bother.

Palouh, n. The ocean, the sea; called also nima ya, the great water. See p. 195.

Patan, v. Tribute, tax. See p. 39.

Pax, v. To break; to put to flight, to scatter.

Paz, n. Swathing bands; folding robes.

Pe, v. To come. Often used in a peculiar gerundive sense, as a verbal particle. See Gram., p. 64.

Pek, v. The fruit tree called Pataxte (Guzman).

Pixa, n. Order, command, direction.

Pixabah, v. To order, to command.

Po, v. 1. To cry out loudly. 2. To be angry with some one.

Pocob, n. A shield. See p. 18.

Poklah, n. Dust.

Pokon, n. Trouble, pain.

Pop, n. A mat; popoh, a council. See p. 36.

Poroh, v. To burn, to set on fire.

Poye, v. To put one side, to neglect.

Poꜭh, v. To divide, to split.

Puak or Puvak, n. Silver; money, coin. See p. 19.

Pub, n. The blow-gun. p. 18.

Puz, n. Power, magic. See p. 46.

Puꜫ, v. To break up ground; to soak in water; to dissolve or to make into dust. Hence, n. fire, dust.

Que, pron. They, used with absolute, passive and neuter verbs. Gram., p. 47.