Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/225

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Queh, n. A deer.

Quere, adv. Thus, as, even so; quereꜭa, therefore; querera, as this; querelae, as that.

Qui, pron. Those, their.

Quichin, pron. Of them.

Quicot, v. To rejoice, to delight in.

Quir, v. To unloose, untie.

Quiꜭ, n. Blood.

Rah, v. To wish, tivaho, I wish; (absolute) xraho, he wished.

Ramon, n. A piece, a bit.

Ramoneh, v. To reduce to pieces, to overcome.

Rax, adj. Green, blue; precious, noble; renowned, famous.

Raxah, n. A tree, a species of plantain.

Ri, pron. He, she it; this, that; often used in the sense of definite article, ri huyu, the hill.

Richin, pron. Of that one, of him, his, its.

Ruma, prep. By, for, with.

Tacaxepeval, n. Name of the first month of the native calendar.

Tak, v. To send, to call one, to despatch to one. Gram., p. 42.

Tahin, part. Of present time.

Tak, adv. A particle conveying the idea of recurrence or repetition, as hetak, hutak, p. 12. See Gram. p. 72.

Takchibal, n. That which incites, or persuades. An instrumental form from takchiih.

Takchiih, v. To incite, move, induce.

Takeh, v. To obey.

Tan, adv. Now, at present; particle of present time.

Tap, n. Crab.

Tata, n. Father. Originally the reduplication of the particle of courtesy, ta, which is now used by and to married people. It also means lord, ruler. Cf. Gram., p. 72.

Taꜫah, n. A plain; the sea coast as opposed to the interior. See Huyu.

Taꜭh, n.

Tecpan, n. See p. 13.

Tee, n. Mother. See p. 35.

Telep, v. To carry on the shoulders.

Telechuh, v. To wrestle; to take captive; to tie with cords.

Tem, n. A bench or seat. See p. 20.