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cledoral dominions, and then again put into mo- •tion, and actually employed againll the common enemy in concert with the King of Piufiia, agreed to Item, com. — — — —

2. For the ordinary of the navy, including half-pay to the fea officers, for 1758 — —

3. Towards carrying on the works of the hofpital for fick and wounded feamen, building at Hafler, near Gofport, for 1758 — — —

4. Towards carrying on the works of the hofpital for fick and wounded feamen, building near Ply mouth, for 1758 — — —

5. Towards the fupport of the royal hofpital at Greenwich, for the better maintenance of the feamen of the faid hofpital, worn out and become decrepit in the fervice of their country — —

_ — 100000 o O

— 224421 5

— 10000 o o

— lOOCO o o

iccco o

January 31.

1. Upon account of the reduced officers of the land forces and marine?, for 1758 — •

2. For defraying the charge for allowances to the feveral officers and private gentlemen of the two troops of horfe guards, and regiment of horfe reduc- ed, and to the fuperanruated gentlemen of the four regiments of horfe guards, for 1758 —•

3. For the paying of the penfions to the widows of fuch reduced cfficers of the land forces and marines, as died upon the eftablifhment of half-pay in Great Britain, and who were married to them before Dec. 25, 1716, for 1758 — — —

354421 5

— 35^02

— 3098 17 U

February 6.

Towards the buildings, rebuildings, and repairs of Lis majefty's fhips, for 1758 —

February 23.

For defraying the charge of 2120 horfe, and 9900 foot, together with the general and llafl' officers, the cfficers of the hofpitals, and officers, and others, be- longing to the train of artillery, the troops of the Landgrave of Hefle-Caflel, in the pay of Great Bri- tain, for 60 days, from Dec. 25, 1757. to Feb. 22, 1758, both inciufive, together with the fubfidy for the faid time, purfuant to treaty —

March 7.

Towards enabling the governors and guardians of the hofpital for maintenance and education of expofed

40926 17 II

— - 200CCO o o

— 38360 19 10^
