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9'*^A deferted young children, to receive all fuch jT.

children, under a certain age to be by them limited, as

fhall be brought to the faid hofpital, before Jan. i,

ijro; and alfo toword? enabling tbem to maintain

and educate fuch children as were then under their

rare, and to continue to carry into execution the

good purpofes for which they were incorporated ; and

that the fum granted fhould be ilFued and paid for

the ufe o\ the faid hofpital, without fee or reward, or

any dedudion whatfoever — — — 40OCO

March 13, Towards paying off and difcharging the debt of the havy — — — — — 30OCOO

March 21.

1. To make g'ood the deficiency of the grants for

the fervtce of the year 1757 __ _- — 284802

2. For deir..ying the charge of 2120 horfe, and 9920 foot, together with the general and ftafF of- tceis, the officers of the hofpiral, and officers and others belonging to the train of artillery, the troops of the Landgrave of Heffe-caflel, in the pay of Great Britaiti, for 5o days, from Feb. 33, 1758, to April 23 following, both inclu/i\e, together with the fubfidy for the faid time, purfaant to

treaty — — — — — 38360

3. Upon account for out-penfioners of Chelfea-hof-

pital, for 1758 — — — — 26000


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April 6.

1. To enable his Majelty to defray the like funi ralfed in purfuance of ati aft made in the laft feffion of parliament, and charged upon the fiyft aids or fupplies, 10 be granted in the then current feffion — — ^ — -~

2. Upon account f 1" fupporting ani maintaining <he fectlement t)f the colony of Nova Scotia, for 1758 — — '.^ _ ».

3. Upon account tor defraying the charp-cs incur- red by fupporting ana maintaining the faid colony in 1756, and not provided for by parliament

4. Upon account for defraying the charges of the civil eiiabliihment of the colony of Georgia, and other incidental expences attending the fame, from June 24, 1757, to June 24, 1758 — —


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