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April 20.

1. To enable his majelly to make good his engage- ments with the King of Pruffia, purfuant to a conven- tion between his majelly and the King of Pruflia, con- cluded April n, 1758 — — — —

2. For defraying the charge of 38,000 men of the troops of Hanover, Wolfenbuttle, Saxe-Gotha, and the Count of Buckeburgh, together with that of ge- neral and ftaiF officers, actually employed againft the common enemy, in concert with the King of Pruffia, from Nov. 28, 1757, to Dec. 24, 1758, inclufiye, to be iffued in advance every two months, in like manner as the pay of the Heffian forces then in the fervice of Great Britain, the faid body of troops to be muftered by an Englilh commiflary, and the efFedive ftate thereof to be alfo afcertained by the fignature of the commander in chief of the faid forces, the further

fum of — — — — —

3. In full fatisfaclion for defraying the charges of forage, bread-waggons, train of artillery, and train of provlfions, wood, ftraw, &c. and all other extraordinary expences, contingencies, and loffes whatfoever incurred, and to be incurred, on account of his majefty's army, confifting of 38,000 men ac- tually employed againft the common enemy, in con- cert with the King of Pruffia, from Nov. 28 laft, to Dec. 24 next, inclufive, the faid fum to be ifl'ued from time to time, in like proportions as the pay of the faid troops —

4. For defraying the extraordinary expences of the land forces, and other fervices incurred in 1757, and not provided for by parliament

5. For defraying the charge of what remained to be paid, for 2120 horfe and 9900 foot, together with the general and ftaff" officers, the officers of the hofpital, and officers, and others, belonging to the train of artillery, the troops of the Landgrave of Helle-Caflel, in the pay of Great Britain, for 365 days, from Dec. 25, 1757, to Dec. 24, 1758, both days inclufive, together with the fubfidy for the faid time, purfuant to treaty

6. To be applied towards the rebuilding of Lon-

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