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May z.

Upon account towards defraying the charge of pay

and cloathing for the militia for 175S, for defraying

JTuch expences as were adually incurred upon the

account of the militia in 1757 — — —

May 4.

Towards carrying on the works for fortifying and

fecuring the harbour of Milford

June i .

1. For reimburfing to the province of Maflachufet's bay, their expences in furniliiing provifions and (lores to the troops raifed by them, for his majefty's fervice, for the campaign in 1756

2. For reimburfing to the colony of Connedlicut, the expence of furnifhing provifions and ilores to the. troops raifed by them, for his majefty's fervice, for the campaign in 1756 — — — —

3. For repairing the parilh church of St. Margaret's, Wellminfter — — — -^



I 00000

— I 0000 o

— - — — 27380 19 Ilf

13736 17 7 4000 o o

June 8. To enable his majefty to defray any extraordinary expences of the war, incurred, or to be incurred, for the fervice of 1758; and to take all fuch meafurcs as may be neceflary to difappoint or defeat any enter- prizes or deligns of the enemies, and as the exigency of affairs may require • — - — —

Juke 10.

1. Upon account to be paid to the Eaft India com- pany, towards enabling them to defray the expence of a military force in their fettlements, to be maintained by them, in lieu of the battalion of his majefty's forces withdrawn from thofe fettlements — —

2. To be employed in maintaining and fupporting the Britiih forts and fettlements upon the coaft of Africa — — , — — . — —

45117 17 6i

— 800000 o o

— 20000 o o

I 0000 o o

3C000 o o

Sum total of the grants made by the committee of fupply — — «— — — — 10475007

Granted in the fame fefCon by an addrefs, as fol- lows.

June 16, it was upon motion refolved, That an humble aadrefs fhould be prefcnted to his majefty, to reprefent, that the falaries of moil of the judges in his majefty's faperior courts of juilicein this kingdom

K 2
