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were Inadequate to the dignity and importance of their offices; and therefore to befeech his m.ijelly chat he would be gracioufly pleafed to advance any Turn, not exceeding 1 1 4501. to be applied in augmenration of the falaries of Juch judges, and in fuch propor- tions as his majefty, in his great wifdom, fhould tiiink fit, for the prefent year; and to affure his majeily, that the houfe would make good the fame to his ma. jefty.

And on the 19th, the Ear) of Thonnond reported to the hoiife, that the faid addrefs had been prefented to his majelty, and that he had commanded him to ac- quaint the houfe, that he would p;ive directions as thereby defired; confequently wemuft add to the above total — — — — __


1 1450 o o

Sam toral of the grants of laft feflion — 10486457 o o

From the foregoing articles of fupply it is cbfcrred, that for the fupport of our conneftions on the conti- BCnt, the following fums have been granted

Jan. 23, article I. — — .^

Feb. 23 -^ — -— — __

March 21, art. II. —

April 20, art. I. — — -.

art. 11. — — _

art. ]JI. -^ __ .^

' art* V, — — __

lOOOCO o o

38360 19 io|-

38360 19 ic|-

67OCOO o o

463084 6 10

386915 13 2

165175 4 io|-

Sum total — 1^^61897 4

As foon as the hoafe had agreed to the refolutions of the committee of fupply of Dec. 8, 1757, it was refolved, that the houfe would next morning refolve itfelf into a committee of the whole houfe, to con- fider of ways and means for raifing the fupply granted to his majefty; from which time this committee was continued to June 12, 1758, and in that time the following refolutions were agreed to in the ccmmittee, and all upon the report agreed to by the houfe, as follows.

Decemeer la, 1757.

That the duties on malt, mum, cyder, and perry* be continued and charged upon all male which Ihall be made, and all mum which fhall be made or im- ported, and all cyder and perry which Ihall be made for fale wiiliin the kingdom of Great Britain, from
