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£■ s. d.

June 23, 1758, to June 24, 1759- The produce of

which IS computed at and granted for — -5CO-0 o o

That the fum of 4'. in the pound, nnd no more, upoa lands, tenements, hereditaments, and perfonal eftates, and aifo the fu^ of 4.«. in the pound upon offices and peniions, be raifed in that part of Great Britain, called England, Wales, and town of Ber- wick upon Tweed, within the fpace cf one year, from M-irch 25, 1758 ; and that a proportionable ceff, according to the 9-h article of the treaty of union, be hid upon that part of Great Britain call- ed Scotland — — — ' — 2037874 1 10

Of which fum, there wr.s, by the bill brought in and pafi'ed in purfuance of this refolution, the fum of 1,989,9201. 8d. to b^ raifed in England, &c. and 47,9541. IS. 2d. to be raifed in Scotland. December 20.

1. That the fum reirirfining in his rcajefty's Ex- chequer, difpofabje by parliament, of the produce of the finking fund for the quarter ended Ocl. ic, 1757, be ilTued and applied towards making good

the lupply of this feffion — -^ — 9337^ ^' l\

2. That there b» lil'ued and applied, rut of fuch monies as ihall or may arife of the furplufies, excefTes, or overplus monies, and other revenues, compoiing

the finking fund, the fum of -,- — — 500COO o o

April 18, 1758.

393371 II l\

That the fum remaining in his majeRy's Exche- quer, difpofable by parliament, rf the produce of the finking fund, on April 5, 1758, be iiTu'd and applied towards making good the lupply this leilion 492400 8 3

April 22- I. That the fum ^\ 4,500,000!. be raifed by an- nuities at 3I, 10s. per cent, per ann. and the fum of 500,0001. by lottery, to be attended with annui- ties, redeemable by parliament, after the rare of 3!. per cent, per ann, the faid feveral annul. ies 'o be transferrabie at the b nk or' England, and charged upon a fund to be ertabl'fhed in this feflion o' p.iriia- ment for payment thereof; and for which the link- ing fun^ fhali re a collateral fecurity ; ana that vv'ry perfon fubfcribing for 5C0I. Ihali be entitled to 4^0!. in annuities, and 50I, in lottery tickets, aod fo in

K. 3 proportioa