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proportion for a greater or lesser sum; that the said lottery shall consist of tickets of the value of 10l. each, in a proportion not exceeding eight blanks to a prize, the blanks to be of the value of 6l. each; the blanks and prizes to bear an interest after the rate of 3l. per cent. per ann. to commence from Jan, 5, 1759; and that 'he fum of 4,500,0^0!. to be r .ifrd by annuities, bear an interell atier 'he rate of 3I. ic^. per cent, per ann. fr m July 5, 1758 ; which laid annui- ties fhall Hand reduced to 3I. per cent, per ann. af- ter the expiration of 24 years, to be computed from July 5, 1758 ; and fli;ill afterwards be redeemable in the whole, or in part, by fums not lels than 500,0001. at one time, iix months notice having been Hril given of fuch payment or payments refpeclively ; that any fubfcriber may, on or before April 29 inllant, at five o'clock in the afternoon, a depofit of lol. per cent, on fuch fums as he (hall chufe to fubfcnbe to- wards raifing the ftid fum of 5,000,0001. with the cafhiers of the bank of England, as a fecurity for making the future payments on the days herein after appointed. On the 5 ooo,oool. lol, per cent, de- polit on or before April 29 in(tant, on the whoio five millions. On 4,500,0001. in annuities 15 per cent, on or before May 30 next— 15 per cent, on or before June 28 next— 15 per cent, on or before

July 27 next — 15 per cent, on or before Auguft 30

next— 15 per cent, on or before September 27

rexr — 15 per cent, on or before Odober 26 next.

On the lottery for 500,000!. 20 per cent, on or be- fore June 10 next — 15 per cent, on or before July

10 next — 15 per cent, on or before Auguit 19 next —

20 per cent, on or before September 9 next— 20 per

cent, on or before Ot!:1ober 9 next. Which feveral

fums fo received fhall by the faid ca(hiers be paid

into the receipt of the Exchequer, to be applied,

from time to time, to fuch lervices as (hall then have

been voted by ti^is houfe in this fe(rion of parliament,

and not other. vife. That any fubfcriber pa)ing in

the whole, or any part of his fubfcription, previous

to the days appointed for the refpeclive payments,

Ihall be allowed a difcount after the rate of 3I. per

cent, per .'inn. from the days of fuch refpeclive pay- ments to the refpeAive times, on which fuch pay- ments are diredled to be made; and that all fuch

perfons as (hall make their full payments, on the

faid lottery, (hall have their tickets delivered as foon

as ihey can conveniently be made out. — 5000000 o O

7 2. That