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£, s, d. 2. That there be ifTued and applied out of fuch monies, as (hall or mayarife of the furpIuiTes, excelTes, or overplus monies, and other revenues, compoiing the finking fund, the fum of — 1606076 5 i|

6606076 5 1 5 Saturday, April 29.

1. That there fhould be paid yearly the fum of is. in the pound of all falaries, fees, and perquifites of offices and employments in Great Britain, and on all penfions and other gratuities payable out of any re- venues belonging to his majelty in Great Britain, ex- ceeding the value of lool. perann.

2. That there fhall be paid for, and upon every dwelling-houfe inhabited, which now is, or hereafter Ihall be eredted within the kingdom of Great Britain, theyearly fum of is. over and above all duties charge- able thereupon, to commence from the fifth day of this inftant April, 1758.

3. That there fhall be paid for every window, or light, in every dwelling-houfe, inhabited, or to be inhabited, within the kingdom of Great Britain, which Ihall contain 15 windows or lights, or upwards, the yearly fum of 6d. for each window or light in fuch houfe, over and above all duties chargeable thereupon, to commence from the fifth day of this jnflant April, 1758.

Mav 2.

1. That the annuities payable purfuant to the re- folution of this houfe of April 22 laft, be charged upon the feveral additional rates and duties upon offices and penfions, and upon houfes and upon win- dows or lights, which were granted by the refolutions of this houfe of Saturday laih

2. That an adt made in the 9th year of the reign of his prefent majelty, entituled, " An Acl for further " encouraging and regulating the manuf^clure of " Britifh made Sail Cloth, and for the more efFec- '* tual fecuring the Duties now payable on Foreign. '* Sail Cloth imported into this Kingdom," which was to continue in force from June 24, 1736, for the term of five years, and from thence to the end of the then next feiTion of parliament, and which by fe- veral fubfequent ads made in the 13th and 24th years of the reign of his prefent majelty, was furtner continued until Dec. 25, 1757, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion of parlianaent, is near expiring, and fit to be continued.

K 4 3. That