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3. That an acl made in the 4th year of the reign of his prefent majefty, entituled, " An A(\ for

    • granting an Allowance upon the Exportation of

•* Britifh made Gunpowder," which wa? to continue in force for five years from June 24, 173 I, and from thence to the end of the then next feflion of parlia- ment, and which by feveral fubfequent adls made in the loth, i6th, and 24th years of the reign of his prefent majrfty, was further continued until June 24, 1757, and from thence to the end of the tnen next feflion of parliament, is near expiring, and fit 10 be continued.

4. That an aft made in the 6th year of the reign of his prefent niajefty, entituled, " An A6i for the bet-

    • ter fecuring and encouraging the Tradt of his Ma-
    • jefty's Sugar Colonies in America," which was to

continue in force for five year', to be computed from June 24, 1733, and to the end of the then next {e(- fion of pariiainent, and which by feveral fubfequent ads made in the i2'.h. 19th, 26th, and 29th years of the reign of his preienr miijt^lly, was further con- tinued until June 24, 1759, is near expiring, and fit to be continued.

5. That fo much of an aft made in the 15th and l6th years of hb prefent majefty'> reign, entituled,

    • An Aft to impower the Importers or Proprietors of
    • Rum or Spirit? of the Britilh Sugar Plantations, to

" land the fame before Pa)ment of the Duties of

    • Excife charged thereon, and to lodge the fame in
  • ' Warehoufp' at their own Expence, and for the

'* Relief of Ralph B^rrow, in refpeft to the Duty on •' fome Rock Salt loft by the Overflowing of the Ri- •' vers Weaver and Dane," as relate.' to the landing of rum or fpirits oftheBririih fugar plantations be- fore payment of the duties of exciie, and to the lodging of the fame in warehoufcs at the expence of the importers or proprietors thereof; which was to continue in force until Dec. 29, 1749, and from thence to the --nd of the then next feliion of parlia- ment, and which by an aft made in the 23d year of the reign of his prefent majcfty, was further continu- ed from, the expiration thereof until Sept. 29, 1757, and from thence to the end of the then next lellion of parliament, is near expiring, and fit to be con- tinued.

May 9. 1. That the duty of 6d. f>er ounce Troy on all fil- plate, made or wrought, or which ought to be
