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Joached, sflaved, or marked in thr kingdom, grants e' by an art made in the fixth year of his late .na- jeUy's reign, lh?JI, froni and after June i, 1758, ceafe, determine, and be no longer patd.

2. That in lieu thereof, the f^m of 40s yearly, fhall, from and after Jane i, 1758, be j.3id to his majefty, for a licenfe to be taken out by everv perfjn, trading in, felling or vending gold or liiver piif.

3. That the fums to be paia for the faid licenfe«, fhail be applied to the fame uf?s and purp:jfes, r.s the prefeat du:y on filver pl.i:° roade or wrought in this kingdom, is notv liable, and appropriated unto, and in the fame manner.

May II. That all drawbacks now payable on the e.vporta- tion of fiKer plate, fhall, from and after June i, 1758, ceal'e and determine.

June i , That from and after July 5, 1758, no perfon fhall be permitted to fell by retail, any fvveets or made wines, wirhout having firll taken out a licenfe for jetailing wine.

June 10. That there be raifod by loans or Exchequer bills to be charged on the firlt aids to be granted the next ^effion of pariiament, the fum of -^ ' ■ . Sooooo o o

Thefp were ail the refolution?, or proviiions made by this committee, amounting in the whole to IJ079722 6 10

So that they exceed the fum total granted by the committee of fuppiy in the fura of ■ ■ 593265 6 9