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dared, that you was ordered by the king your mailer to defend your- self to the lall extremity, and that you could not change your mca- i'ures, unkTs Maifhal Daun fhould be prevailed with not to attack the town. To which I anfwered, in his royal highnefs's name. That he fcnew nothing of Marfhal Daun's ^efigns ; that he could not inter- meddle in the operations of war, and would confequently be oblig- ed to endure what he could not hinder.

Lailly, it is well known that your excellency, during the tire, took every pcifible meafure in the town to prevent thofe excefl'es and diforders, which might have been apprehended ; and his royal high- jiefs charged me to return you his thanks for it. I have the honour to be, &c.

Joachim Frederick De Bofe.

Pec. 4, 1758.

J^o. II. Certificate of the Magi* flrates of Drefden.

In confcquence of orders re- ceived from his excellency Count Schmettau, lieutenant-general and governor, we certify what we know concerning the burning of the fub- orbs, viz.

Ttiatit was about the end of July when combuftibles were put into the new built houfes on the coun- terfcarp ; that upon the reprefen- tation made thereupon to his ex- cellency, by the court and the ma- giftrates, he anfwered, that our cotirt itfelf had given its confcnt to it; and that if the enemy did not approach he would not caufe the houfef to burnt. Though we have fince heard that thofe combu'iibies were taken away, no perfon ever told us, nor have we ever heard

that any one fufFered the leaft da- mage thereby.

On the 2d of November, at noon, his excellency ordered the burgo- mafltrs and magiftrates to come to him, and told us, that he was commanded by the king, his ter, to defend the place to the laft extremity ; that though ihe new works were fufEciently provided with men, he fhould be obliged, if the enemy ihould force them, to fet fire, to the houfes, and had already given orders accordingly. Though we made the moft prefling intreaties that he would fpare the town, reprefen ting that it did not belong to the magiilrates, but to his majeiVv the king of Poland, and that it was the refidence of aa eledor ; his excellency anfwered, that he would not alter his mea- fures, were it the refidence of the emperor himfelf ; that it was not our fault; and that we might ap- ply to cur court, who had drawn thither the enemy. Upon which he fent us away, and would not hear our remonitrances.

Being returned to the town- houfe, we apprized the judgesof the Fifhmongers and Ram quarters, of the danger with which the fuburbs were threatened ; we enjoined them to give notice to the judges of the other quarters to repair to the town-houlc; and we told thofe who attended there, that their fuburbs were in the greateil danger of being fet on fire ; that they muit warn their burghers to be on their guard; to provide theipfelves with inftruments againft the fire, and mutually to afiiit each other in cafe of any misfortune, fipce no alTill;:nce could be expefted from the town. We have heard, fince
